View Full Version : New here - medical fears...maybe TMI

30-05-17, 18:07
Hi there. I used to be a member of Anxiety Zone but I saw that it has been shut down and simultaneously discovered this forum. I've been doing fairly well over the last year but around this time of year I tend to have small and not-so-small relapses. I actually have a health issue right now that is concerning me and it is sending me into obsessional and unproductive thinking. I have witnessed changes in my right breast recently. My nipples started getting itchy over the winter, but over the last few weeks my right nipple has changed in texture and color. Both breasts feel swollen, but more so the right one. I am beside myself with fears over inflammatory breast cancer. My cycles and hormones have been all over the place for the last few months because of what I assume is stress and weight gain, both of which I am working hard at. For some background, I am a 28 year old female. I'm obsessed with the idea that I am dying and am even thinking of selling off belongings and things when I get the bad news. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday. Anyone ever deal with something similar? I'm beside myself.

30-05-17, 18:26
Sounds like it's some kind of eczema or skin issue, definitely not cancer :) Try a really thick emollient cream

30-05-17, 23:37
Sounds like it's some kind of eczema or skin issue, definitely not cancer :) Try a really thick emollient cream
Thanks for your response! I've been using Aquaphor and it helps a little but maybe I need something else. I think what really scared me, which I didn't put in the original message, is that I also have noticed my nipple being flatter than usual. Not inverted, just flat. Like my breast has changed shape. I'm freaked out to say the least. I have been resisting google but I did read about Paget's disease. Of course that sent me spiraling.

31-05-17, 13:52
Hi there, I went through this exact same thing this year and it started with an itchy nipple and then Dr. Google told me Piagets or Inflammatoru Breast Cancer. I went to specialist after specialist who all told me I was fine, but I insisted on a biopsy which was benign (of course) but then i had an allergic reaction to the bandaid and ended up with a real rash and yeast infection on my breast and now I have a scar in the shape of a bandaid on what was always a perfectly healthy breast. Get your exam but trust your doctor and please please don't go down the same rabbit hole I did with IBC fears. It will consume you and make things worse. You say your nipple is flat - is it just not stimulated? A lot of people have flat nipples that pop out when you are cold. I think you're doing what I did - I kept examining my breast over and over and each time I would think I saw something different. Let us know what your doctor says, but I'm almost 100% certain you are okay! Deep deep breaths. Message me if you want to talk more about this as I literally just went through this whole ordeal and I know how scary and real it feels.

31-05-17, 16:17
Hi there, I went through this exact same thing this year and it started with an itchy nipple and then Dr. Google told me Piagets or Inflammatoru Breast Cancer. I went to specialist after specialist who all told me I was fine, but I insisted on a biopsy which was benign (of course) but then i had an allergic reaction to the bandaid and ended up with a real rash and yeast infection on my breast and now I have a scar in the shape of a bandaid on what was always a perfectly healthy breast. Get your exam but trust your doctor and please please don't go down the same rabbit hole I did with IBC fears. It will consume you and make things worse. You say your nipple is flat - is it just not stimulated? A lot of people have flat nipples that pop out when you are cold. I think you're doing what I did - I kept examining my breast over and over and each time I would think I saw something different. Let us know what your doctor says, but I'm almost 100% certain you are okay! Deep deep breaths. Message me if you want to talk more about this as I literally just went through this whole ordeal and I know how scary and real it feels.

Hi - thank you so much for sharing your experience! I'm sorry that you had such a hard time with similar issues. I too have learned that sometimes we end up making things worse by letting the anxieties run the show. I can think of a few instances myself. I'm trying to not let it consume me. I'm going about my business as usual and trying to live my life and enjoy my boyfriend and family. I can't help but thinking of my own mortality when I'm around those I love, but I'm not going to live forever so I try to stay in and enjoy the present moment. I know logically though that I am only 28 and chances are that I will live at least a few more years. :D I struggle with uncertainty and am working on acceptance. Thanks for making me not feel alone.

When I'm talking about a flat nipple, it just seems flatter than usual when not stimulated. Sort of like stretched out and I think my breasts have gotten larger, which I think might be swelling due to hormones or maybe even weight gain. Maybe it was always like this and I'm just now noticing it, but my nipple does look normal when it is hard, just darker and tougher skin if that makes sense. I'm going to explain everything to my doctor and see if she's concerned. I do trust her opinion and think she's a great physician.

31-05-17, 16:59
What it sounds like to me is because they got bigger they changed a bit. I'm sure your doctor will put your mind at ease :) one thing about IBC is it progresses rapidly like in hours/days so if you had it, you would know.