View Full Version : Tips for going on Holiday (and surviving!)

30-05-17, 19:59

I haven't posted here in what feels like forever.

But i'm after some advice because i know first hand how supportive this forum can be.

I'm going to Ibiza on thursday for 3 nights on a hen do and i couldn't be more anxious if i tried. Here are a list of my current fears:

1. Flying (I'm a terrible flyer - fear of plane crashes)
2. Being away from my support network and having anxiety on my own.
3. Dying over there (Heart attack, falling from a balcony, any other non specified tragedy)
4. Flying :weep:
5. Ibiza itself (not my thing, don't drink don't smoke don't do drugs, hate big crowds, loud music, flashing lights etc)
6. Flying
7. Generally being far away and trapped if anything bad happens.

Okay so you might have got this far and wondered why i've put myself in this situation given the above list and i'm sat here asking myself the same question.

But ultimately, one of my childhood friends is getting married and I wanted to be part of this once in a lifetime experience with her and when it was booked 6 months ago i was obviously possessed by someone who is the exact opposite to me and and therefore said yes to this crazy thing...

My friend doesn't know about my anxiety, and i don't really know any of the other girls that are going.

Last time i got on a flight (June 2016) i was with my boyfriend and my mum and dad and i ended up crying the whole way there telling my mum i was convinced this would be the end...and that was on a 45 minute flight to Dublin...:scared15:

So that is me right now, my heads everywhere, i don't want to go, if i hadn't forked out £7million for this bloody holiday then i assure you i would be cancelling and crawling into a hole.

Any advice is welcome :emot-wave:

02-06-17, 15:13
Oh wow that's quite the challenge! :ohmy:

Well first off I can understand why you would want to go because of your friend, I think that you should tell her your fears, if she's a good friend she will completely understand.

Secondly, are you on any medication? I wonder if you could go to your Dr and ask for something to take the edge off the flight anxiety.

I've had similar anxiety when going on holiday and while it was hard, I did have some good experiences too.
I compiled a list of my coping mechanisms and used those so for me they are:
*Breathing techniques- you can find loads of relaxation vids on youtube I'm using a www.stepsforstress.org CD at the mo.
*chamomile tea- I find this really calming but check with your Dr if you're taking a sedative medication too
*roll on pulse point calming perfume- you get them from boots
*mints/chewing gum
*ginger in the form of non alcoholic wine or the raw root if I feel sick
*mp3 playlist of music that makes you happy
*distraction in the form of games like crossword/sudoku etc
*compile a list of positive self talk statements that you repeat to yourself so instead of 'I can't cope' you say 'I've got this, I've been through it before, it does pass' etc

Hope you have some fun and make new friends, if you do find yourself anxious remember this is completely natural it doesn't mean you'll be anxious the whole trip

Best wishes

02-06-17, 15:58
Hey there,

Wow, congrats on this great chance to punch anxiety in the face :)

Having been in the 'so anxious I can't possibly go' camp with many of the same fears (I lol'd at your 'other unspecified fatal accident' line) I can echo the tips provided above as really useful. I would also suggest two other things:

1) Let the anxiety come and go - don't try and hang onto it, convincing yourself that it is making you feel safer, it isn't. Just let it wash over you and enjoy the times when you do feel a bit better - you'll find there are times when you barely notice it.

2) Get Allen Carr's Fear of Flying book. It cured me of being a nervous flyer and I am the most anxious person I know (currently sitting on the sofa with a teddy bear having a mental health day for absolutely no good reason at all)

3) OK, turns out I had 3 tips. Third thing would be to open up to at least one of the other people about your anxiety. That way, if you do get panicky, you don't have to worry about trying to hide how you are feeling as well as the anxiety - similarly, if you need to just chill out on your own for a bit while you're there, this is easier if you've already explained what you need. I bet the others will be sympathetic and think you're brave for telling them!

Good luck x

02-06-17, 18:04
couple of stiff drinks and everything disappears:shades:

eternally optimistic
02-06-17, 22:13
Good evening....

Your post could have been written by me...

I take valium for the flight, having it available is reasurring even if I dont take
all of what I have.

I recently have been away with a friend, something I havent done before so, that in itself was a challenge but, it eventually turned out to be a great success.

Four days before I was due to fly, which was a weekend, I took to my bed for 2 whole days with severe anxiety - I got through the whole thing, took myself off to work somehow for two days, which actually helped despite being a complete and utter zombie. This regime seems to be the norm for me :( / :)

Anyway, I got to Amsterdam and enjoyed the whole experience.

I think you need to embrace the panic, no matter how dreadful it feels and once in the sun, I am sure you will be more relaxed.

Recognise the things that help you relax and use some these techniques to get you through the whole thing.

The important thing is to have faith in yourself that you can do this and, you will feel wonderful when you are back home.

I wish you luck and hope the trip is a complete success for you.
