View Full Version : Do you obsess over death?

30-05-17, 20:44
Ok so a bit of a morbid post coming up. I apologize and if you really can't handle the subject as I generally couldn't then please stop reading as I don't want to cause any distress.

So the last couple of weeks I have been in anxiety mode. Like, seriously anxious to the point where, after so many years I am having panic attacks again.

During this episode of anxiety and being alone for a very long period of time. Death keeps cropping up in my mind, to the point where, I am picturing me passing away. (Crazy I know) I'm not suicidle btw just anxious about my health! When I say I've pictured, I mean, what if I have a heart attack, stroke or something that kills me and being alone no one will find me for ages etc..., that means I'd die alone. What if, what if, what if.

Surely I'm not the only one who has this issue (I'm not crazy honestly) :whistles:

Would love to hear your guys thoughts and also what you do to combat extreme anxiety (apart from meds)

30-05-17, 20:54
Would love to hear your guys thoughts and also what you do to combat extreme anxiety (apart from meds)

Since you took meds off the table, real life professional help would be the next line of defense in battling your dark thoughts. No, you're not alone as I've seen many threads on this subject. What it comes down to is learning how to rationalize and find ways to distract and change the negative thought patterns into more positive ones. That means seeing a professional. You also need accountability. These are words on a screen but action is needed as opposed to reading.

Positive thoughts

30-05-17, 20:58
You're not alone mate, i think everyone with health anxiety has these thoughts and being alone a lot turbo charges them. Not sure if it's your thing but look into Mindfulness meditation. it teaches you how the mind has a mind of its own and how easily you can be tricked into having these thoughts.