View Full Version : Feeling a bit meh

31-05-17, 00:04
Hi all,

Ive not posted on here for a while but things have been on and off anxiety wise (mainly heart stuff but im working on that!)

I guess im posting because a few things have been bothering me, and maybe im just focusing on my body too much and hyper sensitive to the way i feel... but maybe its something i should look into.

Recently (id say the past four or so months) ive had this on and off sensation like im coming down with the flu; tired, not really present, hot and flushing (checked my tonsils and have had a sore throat on and off for a couple of weeks). But i havent been ill since i had tonsillitis in December so im a bit concerned. Im getting better at rationalising my brain and saying things like 'if it were something scary you'd know about it' 'its just anxiety' but sometimes i get a bit panicked by it and get into a google spiral.

In relation to this, someone mentioned the other week how i seem so old for my age... and in a way theyre right. Its odd because mentally and physically (even though im only 23) ive never felt 'youthful' and 'full of energy' and people always call me grandma, and even though im 'healthy' im achey and lethargic. I dont have a stressful job, im living with parents and someone new has come into my life

Im not sure if these two things are related and/or im just over thinking, or maybe its something i should discuss with a doctor?

Thanks for reading, hope someone has some wise words for me