View Full Version : Work just hyped my anxiety

31-05-17, 07:18
Yesterday my line manager effectively accused me of not coming into work Saturday. He said d therefore that he had to hoover the floor because it was messy with biscuit bits. I know I hooverd it, but anyway I was left gobsmacked and catching flies.

Anyway, this has hyped my anxiety for everything. I may as well not be on the citalopram and pregabolin. My mind is racing and I can't stop it. It feels like I have nowhere safe from my mind.

31-05-17, 08:43
Maybe the hoover needs empying or wasnt working effectively.
Was your manager in a bad mood? I know you feel upset, but dont pay any more attention to this incident. Most of us have had a similar experience!
Focus on other tasks, something pleasant to calm down.:)

31-05-17, 10:12
AD,S AND PREGABALIN, cannot protect you from everyday stress like at work, they are just life's up and downs we all have to ride:shades:

01-06-17, 03:21
I know its 'one of those things' but its caused me such mental and physical anguish. Its 3am and I can't get it out of my head and I'm feeling sick. That might be because my stomach is wound up.

As I said I need a break from my mind.

01-06-17, 04:31
I hate when things like that happen. I have a tough time moving on from them too.

For now, can you distract yourself with a book or movie? Exercise?

Maybe your boss was just in a bad mood. Could you prove to him that you were there? Was anyone with you?

Like I said, though....he was probably just in a bad mood.

01-06-17, 14:07
A much overdue doctors appointment has been made but I have to wait until the 23rd June.

I have been reading about a way to cope with such thoughts and I have been imagining my boss having a go at me but as Donald Duck.
