View Full Version : 18 with breast fears

31-05-17, 14:23
About 6 weeks ago I had a sharp pain in my nipple and then the next morning i had redness Almost all the way around the nipple. I live with my mom so I showed her and she said it was weird but it would probably go away. After that I was persistent in asking for an appointment (I'm on her insurance) which was like a month after. She asked if she could see it again because she didn't even know what was causing me so much worry. I showed her again and she said it didn't even look red anymore. But to me it did and still does. I was over it for about a week but last night I looked at it just for good measure and there was a splotchy, pinky, red blob off to the side of my nipple.. which has put me into hysterics. It hasn't changed at all other than that.. my other boob has a couple splotches on it like that but they don't seem as prominent. I've been crying ever since I woke up and I haven't told my mom yet because she's at work. Im afraid it's going to turn out like a boy who cried wolf situation. I'm so scared its IBC.

31-05-17, 15:36
Well, as to breast issues themselves, I am a 46 year old man, but will defer to my wife's experience (who does not have anxiety issues at all).

She had a lot of trouble with eczema when she was your age, and would get those splotchy outbreaks all the time. It is nothing sinister, just the joys of your immune system at work. Our skin does all sorts of things, and while I am certainly no doctor, all the things you describe do not sound like anything dangerous to me. I think you might be better off going to a store and getting some over the counter steroid creme and trying that.

31-05-17, 16:04
I just went through this exact same fear. I promise you nothing you are describing sounds like IBC. I went down the rabbit hole of IBC and ended up having a biopsy (obviously benign) and ended up with an allergic reaction to the adhesive and got a huge yeast infection on my breast and now have a scar in the shape of a bandaid on my breast. Leave your breasts alone! They are fine I promise. I get splotchy red marks too ALL THE TIME and they go away in a few days. I know how scary and real it feels but I promise you are okay! If you want to go to a specialist just for an exam I think that's fine - but please trust what the doctors say. I didn't and ended up ruining my perfectly normal breast.

31-05-17, 18:40
Thanks for all of your helpful replies. I've calmed down a lot from this morning and realized I only notice the spots when Im really looking at my boob. I'm guessing with IBC it would really stand out and I wouldning have to look too hard. I still don't know about the redness around my nipple though.. that's pretty weird.

31-05-17, 19:02
IBC is very aggressive and develops so rapidly! If you're worried about the redness around your nipple maybe put some cream on it for a few days to see if it helps?

31-05-17, 19:25
I had the same fear but mine ended up being a breastfeeding issue. I was told by the best breast surgeon at the University of Michigan that IBC is something that you know you have. It develops fast and if you had it you would know it. Try some cream on your nipple area and see if that helps any! May just be dry or irritated skin which is more likely!

01-06-17, 04:21
Thanks so much everyone! I found one of those prescription ointments in out medicine cabinet which is to treat eczema (not mine) and put that on there this afternoon.. haven't seen a difference but we'll see. It feels like I've been worrying about this for ages so hopefully I can try and move past it