View Full Version : Anticipatory anxiety?

07-05-07, 20:39
Does it ever go away? Tomorrow i've to go to get my new born registered and hate the bloody thought of it, infact i'm dreading it, I know i'll be fine but still can't help dreading it, I mean I went to her birth last week which was easy and had no problems at all so why should I be dreading tomorrow, same with going back to work on Wednesday, I hate the thought of it,:blush:

07-05-07, 21:39
hi sam
what can i say, i know exactly how you feel, these "what if" thoughts are the worse i think, is there anyone who could come with you to register your baby's birth, as for work, do you like where you work, are your friends aware of your problems, if not this in itself can cause a lot of anxiety, if you dont think your ready to go back could you take more time off from work,sorry if this doesnt help you but always remember the "not doing is worse than the doing" as your feeding your irrational fear and after all there just thoughts, not very nice ones but still just thoughts, i do hope you go as you managed to be at your baby's birth and that was a wonderfull thing to do

take care
denise :bighug1:

07-05-07, 22:06
hi sam
what can i say, i know exactly how you feel, these "what if" thoughts are the worse i think, is there anyone who could come with you to register your baby's birth, as for work, do you like where you work, are your friends aware of your problems, if not this in itself can cause a lot of anxiety, if you dont think your ready to go back could you take more time off from work,sorry if this doesnt help you but always remember the "not doing is worse than the doing" as your feeding your irrational fear and after all there just thoughts, not very nice ones but still just thoughts, i do hope you go as you managed to be at your baby's birth and that was a wonderfull thing to do

take care
denise :bighug1:

I'l go, the other halfs going with me, but even so, As for work I get on fine, I mean no one knows about my problems, Its just everyone asking questions etc about the baby and having social anxiety also I don't like being the centre on attention

07-05-07, 22:45
One answer to this.....

JFDI :yesyes: :winks:

You know you can and you have proved it - now believe in it

07-05-07, 22:58
I get anticipatory anxiety too. Try visualizing yourself being comfortable in the situation you're concerned about. It helps to replace the catastrophic thoughts you may be having. I often imagine the worst thing that could happen and dwell on it so before something that I'm dreading I spend a few minutes each day visualizing everything happening in a positive way. That includes my drive to where ever I'm going and getting out in the parking lot, walking in. I visualize myself doing these things comfortably and think reassuring thoughts.:)

Does it ever go away? Tomorrow i've to go to get my new born registered and hate the bloody thought of it, infact i'm dreading it, I know i'll be fine but still can't help dreading it, I mean I went to her birth last week which was easy and had no problems at all so why should I be dreading tomorrow, same with going back to work on Wednesday, I hate the thought of it,:blush:

08-05-07, 12:38
Well once again nothing happened, I don't know why I get so bloody stupid. Went to the council offices, which again involved a trip up the dreaded motorway but I was fine. Got in to the office and there was a bloody que, But I stuck it out and all was fine, and after that I did something i've not done in ages, go shopping, went in around a few shops looking things for baby and then for a nice spot of lunch.

I love it when you tackle this anxiety, the buzz you get after it is awsum, One thing I noticed when your in situation like this that your dreading is talking help, I talked the whole way there and back to the wife, it diverts the mind.

08-05-07, 15:35
Nic was right then....you JFDI and won!!!

WELL DONE !!:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:
