View Full Version : Can moles grow again?

31-05-17, 19:41
Hello everybody, I have this doubt because some pleople say yes but others say no. Can a mole grow again? I'm asking because three weeks ago I cut a mole unintentionally. It was in my right eyebrow, it bleeded at the moment I cut the mole and then took about five days to heal, but now in that same place the skin it's getting slightly darker again, like it's going to grow again. It's circular, defined and seems to have a normal texture too, doesn't seem to have a 'rare' aspect, but it's not dark as a mole yet.
Someone experienced something similar? I don't know if it's a normal process or I need to visit a dermatologist to get it checked :huh:

31-05-17, 19:46
Yes... Had one cut off and it grew back... still benign.. just stubborn I guess :)

Positive thoughts

31-05-17, 22:18
I have a raised mole on my belly been there as long as I can remember the center is darker and has a hair!!!! Lol.

Most moles are normal, from what I hear of the mole starts hurting with redness and irregular edges then it's best to get it seen about.