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View Full Version : So frightened. Please can someone help?

31-05-17, 21:41
I posted earlier in the week in the bowel problem section after an urgent referral to gastroenterologist after 7 weeks of loose and more frequent stools along with abdominal cramps. I was scared at the urgency. No blood but was very worried that I might have bowel cancer.

Since then, my mental health has gotten worse and worse. I am certain that I have it and seem to develop worse symptoms by the day. It has gotten so bad that because I coughed up a small amount of blood today, I have convinced myself that it has spread to my lungs. I am terrified. I've had 3 coughs this year and am so certain that this is the cancer spreading. I keep crying and can't function. I had a blood test 2 days ago and am too scared to call for the results in case I am anemic or the tests show something worse which will just confirm my fears (in my head, if not in reality).

I am now on holiday but cannot do anything with my family. I'm just so very frightened and don't know where to turn. I feel like it's spreading throughout me and all I can do is wait.

I'm so sorry if this sounds paranoid and illogical. I am aware of that but I can't get a handle on it. I have had CBT for health anxiety but nothing has ever been this bad. I am wholly convinced that I am dying. Please can someone help me?

31-05-17, 22:31
You are definitely spiraling. What's worse is that you know you're spiraling.

I am not a doctor or a medical professional in any way, but I am pretty sure that bowel cancer can't suddenly spread to your lungs. I may be wrong, but that's my initial opinion.

Blood in your saliva from coughing can be caused by many things. Have you had a cold recently?

You will need to call for your results of the blood test sooner or later. Wouldn't it be better to call instead of adding to the fire of your anxiety?

I know you're scared, but can worrying add a single day to your life? (Matthew 6:27)

31-05-17, 22:37
Thank you so much for replying. It means a lot.

I have had another cold recently. Could that be the cause of the blood?

I'm trying so hard to break the spiral. It's never been that bad. I keep looking at my young children and imagining them without me. It's such an extreme reaction. My mom had a cancer phobia growing up and all I remember is her crying and asking us to feel for lumps in her hands. I don't want that for my children. I'm trying so hard.

31-05-17, 23:00
I have a young child as well. I know that how that fear really adds to it all.

Yeah, sometimes coughing up blood can be from a cold or bronchitis. I know that we've have some awful colds in the US this year.

Just tell your doctor the next time you see them. If it happens a lot, then schedule an appointment sooner just to check it out.

Believe me, I have health anxiety too, so I don't take my own advice, but worrying won't help anything.

31-05-17, 23:23
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me tonight. Worrying is so exhausting and pointless. I realise I need help with this. You've helped calm me down.

01-06-17, 01:57
I'm glad I could help. I've gotten a lot of help in this site as well.

We are all here for each other. :)