View Full Version : Spiritual Mediums

31-05-17, 21:57
Today I went to see a spiritual medium with my mum. I've never had a reading before and was unsure what to expect, but this lady came with very good recommendations.

She contacted my grandad straight away and got names and certain details only we knew as a family. I was really shocked and now I think about it, it was quite remarkable.

There were a few things that I could not relate to, and wondered if she was 'guessing' based on probability, but i'd say it was mostly very accurate especially with certain specific details . It was a strange and emotional experienced. But happy my grandad could communicate with me and he sounded like his old self from what came through.

Has anyone seen a medium, psychic etc?

02-06-17, 19:10
You've been duped by a con artist.

02-06-17, 19:30
That's really interesting. I do like tarot readings and such but I've never had a medium reading because I'm scared. Well I worry about being scammed but I also find it so so weird to know about someone who died communicating with me! I think I'd have nightmares!

She probably isn't a con if she was so accurate. I don't know how these things are done. Was she picking up cues from the both of you? Like subtleties in body language or speech?? We live in a world of infinite possibility :D

Barry boy
02-06-17, 20:59
I think they are pretty cool. Going by my own experiences I find it impossible not to believe.

I'm looking at getting more involved in the healing side.
I've had good results from acupuncture in the past for sports injuries
. It's all about releasing blocked energy so I'm told, pretty cool stuff.

Gary A
02-06-17, 23:11
Psychics use a technique called cold reading in order to get information from you that you aren't even aware you're giving them. I have to agree with ServerError, it's all nonsense.

The James Randi educational foundation in the US were, for over 30 years, offering a prize of $1000,000 to anyone who could demonstrate genuine psychic ability under proper scientific scrutiny. Not one person even went through the preliminary stage of the testing.

There's a reason why none of them ever win the lottery or used as evidence in courts of law.

02-06-17, 23:35
I wonder how she got the names of my family members though? I only gave my first name when making the booking and spoke to her PA, not her.
As I said, some things were not accurate, but certain details were to a point of it being eerie.
She knew I had been to America last month for example, and knew details about my grandad's garden.
It may all be baloney, but I do feel more reassured about my grandad's passing now, even if it is psychological.

03-06-17, 00:02
I wonder how she got the names of my family members though? I only gave my first name when making the booking and spoke to her PA, not her..

Caller ID, Google, Social Media and official records available via the internet.

Positive thoughts

Barry boy
03-06-17, 04:02
Caller ID, Google, Social Media and official records available via the internet.

Positive thoughts

The first psychic I went to see was in 1991, and one of the first things he told me was what my job was. My job was quite unusual aswell. Internet /Google didn't exist then:D.

Where I use to live in London there was a hall not far from me. The psychic people use to get together there, and you could pop in for a free reading. All they asked was that you make a donation at the end. You didn't have to donate anything. I would have thought if they were fraudsters they would have at least asked you to pay to get in.

03-06-17, 07:37
My friend and I went to a Psychic Expo,paid $20 for this woman too tell me I had a purple aura and I would be coming into some money,I am still waiting! she also said that my son would get married next year the problem is I don't have a son..LOL.:D

03-06-17, 08:37
Caller ID, Google, Social Media and official records available via the internet.

Positive thoughts

This woman has been doing it for 30 years so before google etc. I also only gave my first name. I just wonder how she knew my deceased grandads name, the name of my grandma who has been dead for 33 years and knew she passed just after I was born, etc.
I don't think they can predict the future but there is something about contacting the dead that seems to be effective here.

03-06-17, 10:18
It's OK Carrie, I don't think it's necessary to convince anyone of your beliefs/knowings on this topic, you know what you know to be truth and people have very strong opinions on irrational practices...unless of course you love debating! I expect mediums and such will receive ridicule. They provoke much suspicion. Were you ever a skeptic??

I think readings truly come from you, from within. There's so much we don't know we're able to do at this point. I like hearing controversial viewpoints so I'm open to practically anything.

Gary A
03-06-17, 10:26
This woman has been doing it for 30 years so before google etc. I also only gave my first name. I just wonder how she knew my deceased grandads name, the name of my grandma who has been dead for 33 years and knew she passed just after I was born, etc.
I don't think they can predict the future but there is something about contacting the dead that seems to be effective here.

First of all you need to actually believe that contacting the dead is even possible. I personally don't believe it's at all possible, for many reasons. Contacting and conversing with something or someone that has ceased to exist, for me, is quite a bizarre concept.

Take, for instance, a normally functioning human being. Everything you do, say, feel and think comes from your brain. No brain, no person. Things like Alzheimer's affect the brain and it causes you to lose memory, even of things like your closest family members names. Brain damage can and does adversely affect basic human functions like walking, talking and movement. The brain is basically everything you are.

When you die, your brain does too. It not only dies, it completely vanishes over time along with the rest of you. How then, can it be reasonably argued that a spirit or whatever you choose to call them, can recollect and recall, and apparently converse in perfect English? What is processing that? The brain is gone. Does the brain have a spirit as well? Or is it that the spirit leaves the body but takes the brain with it?

You see the leaps you need to make? Whats more likely? That a reincarnation of a dead relative has somehow been found by a person with mystical abilities and is holding a conversation with them, or that said person can get by on lucky guesses and certain manipulation techniques?

To be clear, I'm not trying to have a go here. I understand that people do take a certain comfort from these psychics or whatever they are, and I absolutely understand why that type of thing could bring some peace to grief stricken individuals.

I just personally think it's nothing more than an illusionist taking money for performing tricks. That's harmless enough in itself, but I find a lot of immorality in playing on the emotions of people who are suffering from the loss of a loved one for financial gain.

03-06-17, 10:34
It's OK Carrie, I don't think it's necessary to convince anyone of your beliefs/knowings on this topic, you know what you know to be truth and people have very strong opinions on irrational practices...unless of course you love debating! I expect mediums and such will receive ridicule. They provoke much suspicion. Were you ever a skeptic??

I think readings truly come from you, from within. There's so much we don't know we're able to do at this point. I like hearing controversial viewpoints so I'm open to practically anything.

I was a skeptic yes, I'd been to a few 'ghost hunt' type events a few years ago and it was a load of rubbish to me.
My friend who lost her mum at a young age went to see this same woman a few years ago and said she was highly skeptical but she was very impressed as the information was so accurate and she recommended her. So I kept her in mind and when my grandad passed I did some more research and had to make the booking 6 months ahead as she was booked up.
I guess I'll never know for certain . She did know about a highly personal event in my life from 10 years ago though!

03-06-17, 12:39
This woman has been doing it for 30 years so before google etc. I also only gave my first name. I just wonder how she knew my deceased grandads name, the name of my grandma who has been dead for 33 years and knew she passed just after I was born, etc.
I don't think they can predict the future but there is something about contacting the dead that seems to be effective here.

Carrie, you don't have to try and convince me. Look, for what it's worth, I do believe that certain people are gifted with a 6th sense of sorts. I've had my own personal experiences with things I would consider paranormal. I went to a medium in the 90's. It was interesting. I really do feel she had some empathic abilities as she picked up on inner emotions I was feeling at the time but she wasn't specific down to names or anything that detailed.

That being said, and this is just my opinion on the "business" of mind reading. So, back in history, there have been gifted psychics and prophets. They were there to serve royalty or the people and were highly respected. (Again, I truly believe there were/are gifted people). Of course the evolution of society, greed and all the other not-so-niceties get involved and mind reading became a business. That business aspect is what I'm talking about. As far as predicting the future? I believe those gifted can get an overall vibe, but specifics? If some where that good, they'd have hit the lotto and retired long ago ;)

Positive thoughts

ADDED: I just re-read and saw that you booked the session 6 months in advance. It doesn't surprise me she had a rare tidbit of personal info to throw in there.

03-06-17, 16:29
This woman has been doing it for 30 years so before google etc. I also only gave my first name. I just wonder how she knew my deceased grandads name, the name of my grandma who has been dead for 33 years and knew she passed just after I was born, etc.
I don't think they can predict the future but there is something about contacting the dead that seems to be effective here.

There is a simple test for this. Your first name is Carrie so that means we can all determine your grandads name from investigation of available records.


Mine really is Terry so have a go at my nana's name.

If she had your location, she can narrow it down. She can use your age with it. That may reduce her options to a guess at a few. And your first name helps as it's uncommon. If your name had been something like Sarah, that would be much harder.

I'm not sure what I believe about the subject. But there are ways to analyse data & ask subtle questions to probe for it without people knowing.

03-06-17, 17:46
I'm a massive sceptic on this subject, however that's not to say I'm a complete non believer.

Years ago a friend had a medium come round to her house and we all got readings. Everybody was over the moon with theirs, one was even a little unsettled. I however was completely unimpressed and if i wasn't shy would have asked for my £20 back.

They said loads ofabsolute crap and then started talking about someone who had died in my ex partners family in a motorbike accident (nobody had as I later asked my ex).

My sceptical mind was telling me it's because everybody there but me had social media accounts, but as you say mediums have been around years before socal media, Google etc so who knows.

04-06-17, 08:33
I once saw a "medium" show live, far better than any other "medium" I've ever seen. The "medium" was giving audience members scarily accurate information so uncanny it was tempting to say he couldn't have possibly known without some kind of power...

...but the "medium"'s name?...

...Derren Brown! ;)

It's a mix of clever illusion and people-reading, mixed in the 21st Century with a new-found gift of social media snooping which makes the job a lot easier. Maybe sometimes it gives some people comfort I suppose, but I've seen at least one person on here have a near breakdown because of the "information" these people gave her. I have no time at all for the "profession".

05-06-17, 11:40
I think mediums seem to be getting better entirely because of availability of information.

If you ever filled out a marketing questionnaire, just one, that information may (will) have been sold on and will be available to anyone who might want to purchase it.

You can also quite easily determine someones relatives if you know where they live with a combination of electoral roll details, census information, and birth/death certificates.

As soon as they hook you in with something they "couldn't have possibly guessed" then you become more open to the possibility of it being real.

Then you look for reasons to back up that belief, and ignore the ones that don't fit.

Its kinda sad to think that though. Part of me always wants this kind of stuff to be real. :D

Barry boy
05-06-17, 17:14
I think mediums seem to be getting better entirely because of availability of information.

If you ever filled out a marketing questionnaire, just one, that information may (will) have been sold on and will be available to anyone who might want to purchase it.

You can also quite easily determine someones relatives if you know where they live with a combination of electoral roll details, census information, and birth/death certificates.

As soon as they hook you in with something they "couldn't have possibly guessed" then you become more open to the possibility of it being real.

Then you look for reasons to back up that belief, and ignore the ones that don't fit.

Its kinda sad to think that though. Part of me always wants this kind of stuff to be real. :D

That seems like a hell of a lot of work for 20 quid. Probably be a better idea to get a job in a supermarket, more money less work.

I've seen several psychic people and the only "dead person" who's come through was my grandad. I didn't really talk to him when he was alive (cold man) so I didn't really have much to say now he's dead.

And another thing, I think seeing psychics for help is a complete waste of time. There's nothing they can do or tell that you don't already know.

Maybe I'm just lucky that I haven't met one who's tried to rob me of my life savings and send me insane :yesyes:

05-06-17, 17:20
Why do they always get the Grandads?

Barry boy
05-06-17, 17:58
Why do they always get the Grandads?

I forgot, my dog came through as well:)

05-06-17, 18:25
I forgot, my dog came through as well:)

Woof! :biggrin:

Barry boy
05-06-17, 18:40
Woof! :biggrin:

No he said he felt ruff:D

06-06-17, 00:58
No he said he felt ruff:D
