View Full Version : Tiny freckles melanoma fear

31-05-17, 22:04
So I'm in my twenties and I've dealt with health anxiety for a while now.

But today I went swimming for the first time in a while I usually wear shirts but today I didn't because it was cloudy.

Well I got out of the pool and was sitting there and I noticed on my shoulders I have a lot of tiny brown specks like freckles it's on both shoulders some on my chest and I have some on my nose. I noticed these before but never payed much attention to it but today I examined the areas and it seems like there's much more than what I noticed previously. But keep in mind I rarely go shirtless so I don't look at my shoulders a lot.

I went to Google which I know is stupid but I learned that melanoma is usually a single mole or freckle that is bigger than a pencil eraser with jagged edges and so on so since nine are so small like literally 3 feet away you probably wouldn't see them It's hard to this it'd be skin cancer. My siblings also have freckles and my look similar to theirs.

I'm not here to get medical advice or a diagnosis I'm just wondering if you have freckles and does this sound like yours?

31-05-17, 23:06
Hi Water Bear,

Yes I get these all the time, especially when I get out of the sun. Often times they are just sun spots and might even fade with time. Other times it is just freckles! Please try to not worry about this, melonoma/skin cancer does not look like a cluster of small freckles, it is like large gross looking moles that change with time.