View Full Version : Crippled with anxiety following stillbirth

31-05-17, 22:27
Hi everyone.
My son was stillborn at 41 weeks 3 months ago. It's been a pretty horrendous time, but I felt like I was coping and taking it day by day. Over the last week however I have started to get twitches in my feet mainly and other places on my body. Stupidly I googled it and had a major panic attack because I convinced myself it is the start of ALS and I am now going to die too. I went to my doctor and she says I have PTSD. She gave me Xanax and Lexapro. Still getting a few twitches here and there but tonight my foot is going mad twitching again. I'm absolutely petrified I am dying. I have to stay away from google because I'm driving myself mad. I'm in such a bad place with the death of my son and now this. Have any of you experienced muscle twitching too as a result of trauma/anxiety?

Please help me!


31-05-17, 22:54
I am so sorry for your horrific loss my heart goes out to you. Before even reading down to you saying your Dr thinks PTSD I was going to reply suggesting the same. You have gone through one of the most highly traumatic experiences any woman/mother should ever have to endure. Your body will be in shock still so of course you will experience physical effects. Your mind will be in fight mode and exhausted so you won't be able to process these symptoms rationally or logically. I hope you have sought counselling? Sending you huge hugs xx

---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:53 ----------

Sorry to answer your question in periods of high stress my palms pulsate and twitch along with my eyes and arms x

31-05-17, 22:58
Hi everyone.

My son was stillborn at 41 weeks 3 months ago. It's been a pretty horrendous time, but I felt like I was coping and taking it day by day. Over the last week however I have started to get twitches in my feet mainly and other places on my body. Stupidly I googled it and had a major panic attack because I convinced myself it is the start of ALS and I am now going to die too. I went to my doctor and she says I have PTSD. She gave me Xanax and Lexapro. Still getting a few twitches here and there but tonight my foot is going mad twitching again. I'm absolutely petrified I am dying. I have to stay away from google because I'm driving myself mad. I'm in such a bad place with the death of my son and now this. Have any of you experienced muscle twitching too as a result of trauma/anxiety?

Please help me!


I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Sending you support. Did your doctor refer you for any therapy, and have you thought about joining any support groups (online or in person)? Anxiety can certainly cause lots of physical side effects, the effect on the nervous system is huge and many people on this forum have feared that their physical symptoms from anxiety is ALS.

Give yourself some time and be patient with yourself. You've been through a massive trauma. Be kind to yourself. I expect you will have to go back to your doctor within the next few weeks/month to monitor your anxiety meds, so just know you're not alone and you can always raise your concerns with them for reassurance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

31-05-17, 23:09
I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I've suffered loss in my life but I can't begin to imagine what you're going through. The trauma and subsequent stress most certainly is responsible for the physical symptoms.

I agree with Citydeer in looking into some therapy. The emotions of grief are complex and different for each individual. Having someone to help you navigate those waters would be advantageous on top of the medications.

Positive thoughts

01-06-17, 01:05
I'm really sorry to hear you have lost your baby. This is easily a situation you have to experience to understand the pain but I think suh pain can manifest itself in many ways including the many things we experience in anxiety/depression.

Right now you have a complicated process of grief to work through, a completely natural process that will be individual.

As far as twitching goes, that's a very common anxiety symptom. There is no reason for you have experience some serious physical problem right now but there is a very obvious reason for mental trauma. So, try to see this as a symptom and do what you have to do to get through this awful time.

The forum is here for you if you need us.

:hugs: for you and :flowers: for your baby.

02-06-17, 14:57
I just wanted to add my condolences to the others
I'm so sorry you're going through this