View Full Version : Morning headaches anyone?

01-06-17, 00:35
Hi All,
I've had a cold for 2 weeks and now waking up with one badly congested nose and now what I think are tension headaches plus a twitching eyes.
The headaches stays with me throughout the day leaves but night and then is back again in the morning. My neck feels stiff and I'm tired. If anyone else was typing this I'd say 'a tension headache,' I googled morning headaches.
What do you think came up first BRAIN TUMOUR!
Now I'm freaking out - does anyone else get headaches in the morning and tension headaches that last for weeks?
Should I be running to the Dr, I should note i have sore eyes as well and blurry vision sometimes but I'm on the computer all bloody day!

01-06-17, 00:41
I get this sometimes the twitching eye and the blurry vision and of course the stiff neck and sore head. I think we have become so sensitive to every little feeling we get that we forget it's normal to have aches and pains especially if we have had the flu or been sick. The biggest thing for and eye twitch is stress. Suppose that's why in the movies you see people twitching like crazy when they are about to loose it. Do you have anyone around you can talk to for reassurance?
Hope you feel better

01-06-17, 00:41
POssible you are clenching your jaw on one side.
I do it, and my entire mouth gets jacked up. It causes a lot of pain throughout the head.
Also, I find that I tense my facial muscles pretty bad and get pressure in my eye and right above it in my forehead. When I relax, I feel relief.

01-06-17, 01:31
I have a sore jaw as well I've noticed, right in the actual part where the two bones meet - so maybe that's it!!
The headaches are so annoying!

01-06-17, 01:48
Google says brain tumor I say muscle tightness I was once told by my GP that Google always promoted the worst case scenario first wether that was true or not I dont know id rather believe that if our mind convinces us its cancer we go looking for it and accept it to be the truth as for the twitching eyes I'm certain its down to stress I use to have this annoying left eye twitch for months on end it was so embarrassing talking to people. Once you have controlled your anxiety all your symptoms will subside.

01-06-17, 02:04
Headaches and colds go together. Your head gets bunged up with mucus and you feel pretty rotten.

So, why would a cold and a brain tumour go together? They wouldn't, they would be complete coincidence since you know you've got a cold.

Aching muscles, all common with colds.

If your jaw is aching, that could be a touch of Bruxism but maybe it's just part of the cold? A cold won't be causing Bruxism, increased anxiety can easily do this though.

01-06-17, 08:23
I had morning headaches and stiff neck,I made an appointment with a GP but cancelled,went and got 2 new pillows and have not had a headache in the morning since.