View Full Version : Frightening Relapse.

01-06-17, 03:38

I was on here practically all of last year after suffering from crippling anxiety for a couple of years. Due to the strength and advice I got from other users on this forum I eventually started medication towards the end of last year, I think October time.

The first month or so on the tablets was not easy but over time I started to improve massively and without even realising it at first, I was back to my old self, living and enjoying life again.

Until recently that is, because in the last fortnight the nightmare has started again and I am absolutely petrified of it getting as bad as it was before.

I can't sleep, I'm on edge, I'm over thinking, I'm convincing myself (again) that I'm definitely going mad this time. I have that dreaded urge to resort to Doctor Google and I really really don't want to end up in that cycle again.

I have had major stress in my personal life the last 6 weeks and I am trying to tell myself that that's the cause of the returning anxiety but my anxiety is telling me it's because I'm going mad and will end up sectioned in a mental institute.

I'm on Propranolol 80mg and Sertraline 50mg, do you think I've simply become tolerate to it? Or is it a passing phase? I don't think I can cope with going back to how things were before.

Any advice please?

01-06-17, 03:46
First and foremost, do not google anything. They are required by law to put the worse case scenario on there, which in turn will just make you panic. You are not going mad. Anxiety sufferers have this misconception but it simply isn't the truth. If you went to hospital they would more than likely tell you that everything is clear.
We're never free from anxiety, even subconsciously we must dwell on it. I believe it to be a passing phase as your suffering from major stress in your personal life. All youve gotta say to yourself is: if this stress wasn't here, would I be constantly anxious? And the answer would be no.

I mean you could talk to your doctor about pill changes, or increased the dosage of the ones you take now. 50mg sertaline is quite minimal so you've got scope for progression there, as you can taper up towards 200mg. I have no experience witb propranolol, so that's best discussed with your doctor... Also maybe add a sleeping aid for a week to get some good nights sleep, sleep is massive factor for a anxiety sufferer.

Hang in their dude, we all relapse through no fault of our own, it's just a shame our brains can't comprehend with stress the way we wish them too.

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01-06-17, 18:32
your sertraline is a very low dose maybe you need more, 50mg is the starter dose for many