View Full Version : Really really scared about ALS again and this time I think I really have it!

01-06-17, 10:14
So yesterday i was talking to my mother and she said i sounded hoarse. Ok, sounding hoarse from time to time is normal. So I picked up my guitar and started singing and I couldn't sing high notes, my voice cracks, shakes etc... when i try to sing high notes.
Today I was driving and singing in the car like I usually do and again my voice was weird when singing high notes, it breaks, cracks, shakes etc... It's really weird. After that I had a drink and immediately started coughing...
What do you think of this? I lost a lot of range in my voice I used to sing those high notes fine and I have mild issues swallowing.
I'm pretty convinced I have bulbar ALS, at 20 years old.
I'm a male btw, if that makes any difference.

02-06-17, 04:42
ALS, especially bulbar ALS is extremely rare in someone your age. It would like the equivalent of being struck by lightning twice. Very, very rare. Give it a week or two and if you are still having issues or if the issue gets worse, it wouldn't hurt to see your doctor, which I'm sure will go fine. All the best.

02-06-17, 08:24
ALS, especially bulbar ALS is extremely rare in someone your age. It would like the equivalent of being struck by lightning twice. Very, very rare. Give it a week or two and if you are still having issues or if the issue gets worse, it wouldn't hurt to see your doctor, which I'm sure will go fine. All the best.

I saw a Neuro 3 months ago and he performed a series of tests and said i was absolutely normal, but at the time I didn't have the voice and swallowing issues, I was only slurring a few words, which I still do...