View Full Version : new here...panicking about petachiae please help!!!!

01-06-17, 15:04
So, i am new here but NOT to health anxiety and could really use some help and reassurance.

I have loooooooong had a fear of lymphoma that comes and goes...can never really get over it, regardless of what the doctor says.

So the past few days my legs (and somewhat my arms) have been extremely itchy and I have been scratching a lot. The lymphoma fears already started creeping up with that symptom. Last night, i get out of the shower and i notice petachiae on the inside of my right thigh. Of course, i couldn't resist googling and what do i find? cancer! lymphoma! this led me into a complete panic spiral and ended up at urgent care bc i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep.

the doctor checked me and i had no weight loss, perfect temperature and said the petachiae was probably due to scratching or other trauma. Said that doing a blood test was overkill bc he was so unconcerned.

Well of course, I felt better for about .03 seconds until this morning when the pesky little dots are on my OTHER thigh too. Now I am panicking about leukemia since the lymphoma fears have been put to rest!!!!

looking for any reassurance :/ i know that these things can crop up through anything but can't even focus at my job today because of this.

---------- Post added at 10:04 ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 ----------

also should comment that he checked all of my lymph nodes and said he didn't feel anything of concern there

01-06-17, 15:28
Hi there
As long as anxiety looms you will always continue to convince yourself you have a problem when you really dont.
Grasp the fact that you had the all clear from the doctor and leave it be now I didn't know what a petachiae was so I had a quick look and I couldnt find lymphoma at all all I could see was trauma,injury,scratch and certain infections. Maybe consider the weather we are having may be drying out your skin causing it to itch or maybe you are dehydrated or maybe its simply down to a certain soap or body wash you are using.
I would rather focus on your mental state than things that are not at all serious.
All the best