View Full Version : Any Parents out there?

01-06-17, 15:19
Dear All,

I am blessed with two very great children. Both are highly sensitive and more introverted than other children in their ages.

It is clear to me that children with such levels of sensibility will experience pain different.

However, it always comes to a point where I go bananas with anxiety. Last week my daughter (now 9) started having heavy moodswings. Since then, it develop to listlessness, strange feelings in her belly, headaches, extreme thirst and pressure in her ear. I know there could be a million small reasons for these things...as mentioned she is always very delicate in dealing with pain. Unfortunately she even wet her bed last night.

As I am reading this, it becomes clear to me, that it could be that something is bothering her.

Does anyone have some additional tipps for me how to deal with Anxiety when it comes to your loved ones. I know what to do, but I feel like I just dont want to be alone feeling like this and perhaps, my main motivation in asking, is to reinforce dealing with anxiety.

I would appreciate it if there is any other parent, who can relate, to share.

your truly,

01-06-17, 15:27
If you child is ill take her to the doctor. If the doctor says she is fine then let it go at that. You have to trust your physician. Are you seeking help for your anxiety? Are you the one that is making your children introverted? I have two daughters and I was extremely insecure as a child due to over protective parents. I made sure my children grew up to be self confident adults by encouraging them and being supportive. Its not easy being a mom, you can get through it, my daughters are now 25 and 38.

01-06-17, 16:27
My daughter suffers from depression and anxiety. She came to me at around 18 and told me what was going on. I, along with her mother made sure she got professional help. She had a rough time for a while but has worked hard at therapy, takes meds and is doing great now. She still has her moments but she's learned coping techniques and has a professional and family support system in place.

It would be my suggestion to follow the same path for you and the kids. First speak with your GP to determine it isn't a physical issue and then look into professional help for the mental aspects.

Positive thoughts

01-06-17, 18:23
extreme thirst could well be diabetes, that's what i would want to find out, wetting the bed is no big deal has a 1 off. Why haven't you had her checked at the docs .your stress is called being a parent