View Full Version : Concerned about rib pain - muscle pain or something else?

01-06-17, 15:44
I noticed today on and off I had been getting some pain in the right side rib and a bit around the back. The pain is worse when I am lifting, moving, twisting, breathing in deeply and feels sharp and sometimes almost like an electric shock.

Me being me, I think holy moly it's a blood clot or a serious lung problem. Should I go to my GP or A&E? I am panicking and I know that won't be helping and is making my chest feel even tighter. It doesn't feel sore or tender to touch but sore when I move or breathe in deeply but especially when I move.

To be fair, I did sleep on a pulled out futon last night and my pillow was quite a distance from the mattress so my side would have been on the floor pretty much and I don't know if maybe that has something to do with it

01-06-17, 15:56
Sounds very much a muscular issue ive been having the same thing for the last 7-8 months at first it was everyday now just on and off. I was convinced it was lung cancer but now I'm not concerned at all.
As the central nervous system runs up the spine any pinch or irritation could very well be felt in other parts of the body depending on where those nerves reach out to.

Okay I just had another look at your post and you mentioned a sharp electric chock sensation and to me that would indicate a pinched or irritated nerve rather than a muscle problem get some ice on it to reduce any swelling and you'll be fine.