View Full Version : Constant anxiety in stomach for weeks now

Fuzzy Dunlop
01-06-17, 19:50
Hi there, this is my first post, so hello everyone :)

I have quite a specific problem. My anxiety manifests itself mainly in the stomach. This 'anxious stomach' has been pretty constant over the last four weeks, and quite severe. It kind of feels like persistent adrenaline in the upper stomach.

It is very debilitating, wearing me out. My breathing is affected, as it feels shorter and slightly weaker. Also, I have a poor appetite – I sometimes have to force myself to eat.

Another major concern is that I'm really not sleeping well. Typically, these last four weeks, I wake up at 4am/5am and cannot get back to sleep because of the anxiety 'in my stomach'.

I have experienced this before. Most notably back in 2014. Back then though I could pinpoint why it was happening (I've had to deal with horrendous things in my life with regard to the health of my immediate family). I avoided the medication route back then, receiving bereavement counselling and myself addressing the issues that I thought were exacerbating the problem.

I must admit that, since 2014, I do tend to overthink things and I worry far too much... a result of the events in my family life.

This time though, I'm not sure of the trigger. I was made redundant and do have career/money worries, but nothing I thought would cause such bad anxiety.

I have tried breathing exercises and meditation. It does help a little but the benefits are fleeting.

Anyone experience similar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Catherine S
01-06-17, 20:30
Hi there and welcome. I think you absolutely do have a reason for this anxiety in the form of your redundancy, career and money worries. These things would bring alot of people down for sure. I think you went through such trauma in 2014 when you last experienced anxiety symptoms, that you're thinking that nothing would ever compare to that, so why would something which to you seems less devastating bring on anxiety.

Losing your job is a big deal, so i'm not surprised your stomach is doing flip flops, or that you're having disturbed sleep. You say you're a worrier and that in itself can produce stress and physical symptoms...even when there's nothing to worry about, let alone when there is!

I'm assuming you still don't want to go down the meds route? I take my hat off to anybody who copes with anxiety without meds, however they do have their place short term. I take beta blockers which stop the adrenalin from hurtling around and calms my heart down really well, and they're not mind-altering drugs like others are. Alternatively you could perhaps try the many natural remedies out there such as Valerian and Kalms which are nature's tranquilisers.

Good to meet you

Fuzzy Dunlop
01-06-17, 22:00
Thank you for the welcome and reply ISB, much appreciated.

What you say very much rings true. I probably have made comparisons with my previous major episode. I really liked my job and I guess I've been in denial too since leaving there.

Yes, I'm reluctant to go down the medication route. Thanks for the recommendations though – I will definitely look into these. I will go and see my GP in the next few days too. She is aware of my previous history with anxiety and has been very understanding in the past.

02-06-17, 02:35
I can sympathize with you. My anxiety always gets me in the stomach, that tensed up "knot" in the stomach. It is torture for sure.
Benzodiazapines are the only thing that take it away but they are not the answer.
I have tried many other meds and CBT with no luck.
I am due to start a new med tomorrow and I am scared stiff, I'm afraid of meds but this is not living.
I really hope you find something to help you soon.
Please take care.

02-06-17, 04:35

My anxiety and panic were non existent for a Long time but just came back with a vengeance.

The hardest thing for me right now is the impending doom nervous feeling in my gut. It's is CONSTANT. I'm naturally a rational person so letting anxiety gets its grasp around me is very tough.

I don't want to go on medication again as the withdrawal coming off was brutal for me so I'm trying to fight the battle.

It's super hard.
Wishing us all the luck and here if you need a friend

02-06-17, 08:04
My mind is my worst enemy is so true!

02-06-17, 10:30
you started with stress now its turned to anxiety, your:shades: gut it the main place it hits you need the toilet like 24-7 all day and at night you toss and turn, when you get a new job you will be cool you have too much time on your hands now and think too much

Fuzzy Dunlop
04-06-17, 18:26
Thank you for your replies and kind words.

I went to see my GP on Friday. She suggested a low dose of Pregabalin, so I agreed to try medication for the first time. Pregabalin has few side effects I understand.

Just hope I can lose this anxious stomach feeling and get some proper sleep soon.

04-06-17, 21:07

My anxiety and panic were non existent for a Long time but just came back with a vengeance.

The hardest thing for me right now is the impending doom nervous feeling in my gut. It's is CONSTANT. I'm naturally a rational person so letting anxiety gets its grasp around me is very tough.

I don't want to go on medication again as the withdrawal coming off was brutal for me so I'm trying to fight the battle.

It's super hard.
Wishing us all the luck and here if you need a friend

You have described exactly how my anxiety manifests. That horrid sense of doom, which plays with you all day long. It's the worst aspect of it for me.

Fuzzy Dunlop
04-06-17, 21:25
You have described exactly how my anxiety manifests. That horrid sense of doom, which plays with you all day long. It's the worst aspect of it for me.

It's awful, I sympathise with you all. Difficult to focus on anything else when having to deal with this.

04-06-17, 21:29
Yes very much so. You have to force yourself through everything. Hoping that the last rush of doom, is exactly that, the last one. Sadly it never is... I've had it all day today...

05-06-17, 09:54
Thank you for your replies and kind words.

I went to see my GP on Friday. She suggested a low dose of Pregabalin, so I agreed to try medication for the first time. Pregabalin has few side effects I understand.

Just hope I can lose this anxious stomach feeling and get some proper sleep soon.

a low dose of pregabalin won't help your anxiety, its a pain killer the high doses help anxiety is some did nothing for me , go to pregabalin page: shades:

11-06-17, 15:17
Yes very much so. You have to force yourself through everything. Hoping that the last rush of doom, is exactly that, the last one. Sadly it never is... I've had it all day today...

Exactly. I'm constantly forcing myself through life and getting no enjoyment. Just existing...

I've learned to accept that it's anxiety. And accept that with anxiety comes unpleasant symptoms but it still manifests and it still has control.

Fuzzy Dunlop
12-06-17, 21:45
Exactly. I'm constantly forcing myself through life and getting no enjoyment. Just existing...

I've learned to accept that it's anxiety. And accept that with anxiety comes unpleasant symptoms but it still manifests and it still has control.

It's very difficult to push through it. I really hope it starts to lift for you soon.

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

a low dose of pregabalin won't help your anxiety, its a pain killer the high doses help anxiety is some did nothing for me , go to pregabalin page: shades:

Yes, I've been on it a week and it has not helped so far (the doctor said it would work fast, if at all).

Also, I have been trying to understand more about what causes the anxiety in the upper stomach, i.e. adrenaline, cortisol, etc. Can anyone shed any light or recommend any good sources of information?

13-06-17, 05:22
It's very difficult to push through it. I really hope it starts to lift for you soon.

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Yes, I've been on it a week and it has not helped so far (the doctor said it would work fast, if at all).

Also, I have been trying to understand more about what causes the anxiety in the upper stomach, i.e. adrenaline, cortisol, etc. Can anyone shed any light or recommend any good sources of information?

Ive read quite a few articles and forums on it and it seems to be a lot of adrenalin. It makes sense because when it happens to me... I get that feeling that I'm in danger/something bad is going to happen and it sets off the butterflies and knots in my stomach. I just don't understand how I produce so much adrenalin as it is constant most days. Wish I was more help.

13-06-17, 09:27
what dose of pregabalin did you agree on. PREGABALIN is for long term use you need to go up with the med . It takes a long time at different levels if its going to work .:shrug:You say you force yourself through life i would have thought you needed a Anti-Depressant with an anxiety agent in it for more effect

Fuzzy Dunlop
22-06-17, 22:28
what dose of pregabalin did you agree on. PREGABALIN is for long term use you need to go up with the med . It takes a long time at different levels if its going to work .:shrug:You say you force yourself through life i would have thought you needed a Anti-Depressant with an anxiety agent in it for more effect

I started on 2 x 25mg per day (no real benefit as you rightly predicted) and have now been upped to 4 x 25mg per day.

I'm reluctant to try anti-depressants. I did try Citalopram back in 2014. Didn't last long due to the side effects.

23-06-17, 09:05
I started on 2 x 25mg per day (no real benefit as you rightly predicted) and have now been upped to 4 x 25mg per day.

I'm reluctant to try anti-depressants. I did try Citalopram back in 2014. Didn't last long due to the side effects.

CITALOPRAM is the most scripted and like you it didnt work for me , it is inferior to it younger brother ESCITALOPRAM or to give it its real name LEXAPRO thats the 1 to try .Pregabalin is a pain killer and only work on anxiety at doses like 450mg to 600mg :shrug: