View Full Version : Weirdness / Cause for Concern

01-06-17, 20:22
To start off, I was diagnosed with IBS about 10 years ago. Have mostly kept it in check with probiotics, but stopped taking them about a month ago because I kept forgetting to buy some (and hadn't really had problems). I also had a bad GERD and gallstone attack a year ago and was put on Omeprazole for this. About two-and-a-half weeks ago, I got severely dehydrated and suffered from diarrhea for a day. Ever since then, my stool has been soft and kind of flat (but it was occasionally flat before). I didn't worry too much about it since I wasn't on the probiotics, but then one day last week I had severe lower-left abdominal cramping that came and went (and seemed to be relieved by farting). The next day, the pain was mostly gone. I continued to have "weird" stools after this, but no more pain until I had it briefly before bed time the other night, but it was again gone the next day. Panicked, I did poke and prod that area to see if I could feel anything, but couldn't decide if the one thing I think I thought I felt was a marble-sized lump or not...the prodding only left me sore in that area, which has subsided over the last few days. I haven't had any blood in my stool, extreme tiredness or anything else weird. I have an appointment next week with my GP, but wanted to get others take on this.