View Full Version : Feeling down

08-05-07, 02:24
I am getting really concerned as to why I am getting sick all the time.

First I had quinsy on and off for five years and then they finally took my tonsills out. I also had glandular fever durint his time. I then went on to have dizziness which after 7 years they think it may be migraine related so I am on medication at the moment for that. I had a sinus operation July last year as I had constant sinus and a deviated septum.

I now have sinus problems again and have this now for a week. I am on antibiotics but the pain and pressure is still there and I don't feel well.

I can't understand why I am getting all these things wrong with me and it is scaring me. Maybe I am just someone who is prone to all of these things which all seem to be somehow related. I also worry that I will get something like an infection or something that wont ever go away and will make me seriously sick.

Please give me your thoughts.


08-05-07, 02:46
it sounds to me like you have been hit by something like the flue, this can cause extended glandular swelling for a extended period of time and cause discomfort.
If you havnt allready then it would be worth consulting your doctor and asking their advise.
The chances are with sickness and glandular swelling that in most cases it doesnt lead to anything worse so there isnt too much need to be too anxious.
you doctor will examine your symptops and tell you what they think.

If you would like to chat then just Pm me and i would be more than happy to talk to you.

hope i have helped in some way.

adam xxx

09-05-07, 00:04
Nope just a series of things you would have gotten anyway..You are like a walking me lol.. im sorry but had to say I keep thinking about normal old age aches and pains just suddenly attack me .. and no they have been coming on for years and will get worse .My mind has to just accept them as a part of getting older and well as far as dying we are just starting to dye the first day we are born and we wont get out alive..Just chalk it all up to random things that happen..sickness and feeling bad at different times in your life and heck the anitbodtics could cause you to feel worse than how you were orginally feeling .I know this from experience..Don't worry about it ..It wasnt a conspiracy .. just normal,people get ill sometimes and someitmes they go a long time with no problems so try not to worry and im sure you will be right here with the rest of us ..for many years to come.. Michael

09-05-07, 00:11
Thankyou both for your replies.

I am feeling better today but still have pains in the sinus areas.

I just look at my family and no one else has the problems I do. So it's like "why me" I was harldy ever sick as a child. I am only 29 but feel like an old person with all these things wrong.

Everyone else around me at work don't take sick days and don't seem to get sick, but I seem to have days off all the time.

Sorry if I sound that I'm feeling sorry for myself.


09-05-07, 00:36
Don't worry about it Deb..

If you can't feel sorry for yourself here then you don 't have anywhere to feel sorry .. just a little kidding here.We are glad that you are here and posting how you feel has helped me and hopefully hopefully has helped others and well its a relief to find that others feel the same way you do.. Yes at 29 the stress levels are through the roof and then the subside over the years and then well if you are lucky they dont come back because you think its all down hill from here but others tend to overstress as they get older and well thats me.. I think you hit the nail on the head with most anxious people here..No of us was that sick as a child ,thus having strange malaise is very strange for us..We were the lucky ones that didnt suffer with operations and the weird hospital visits with appendix or other things that are normal..thus making us more aware of normal things that happen later as we get older..I too was one of the sickless children thats why now it scares the beegeebees out of me when i get sick..You will be fine and things will pass and then you will be fine and then you will have another stretch where nothing much is wrong and then you will get a little anxious again..but try and try not to let it get you down..as you get older you will be more subsetible to things that you havent ever experienced ..its normal and its not going to kill you and you arent going to be sick the rest of your life its just a time when you arent up to par.I had a nurse ..a friend of mine that does have major issues with her heart bad mumur and other weird things and she tells me that 99 percent of the things we suffer from arent fatal so hope thats a little encouraging.. take care dont worry and be happy..

09-05-07, 04:29
Thankyou so much for your reply Michael. You have made me feel alot better about my health and it is a good feeling knowing that I am not the only one.

I am waiting for the day that it all just disappears and I have no problems for a long time.


09-05-07, 06:39
It will sweetie dont worry eventually it will all go away and sit its ugly head deep down inside that cave where everybody has wished it away until a day when you let it emerge again and then you might be one of the lucky ones where it never comes back.. There have been many people beat this completely.I almost did one time and will again..It just takes time and confidence and trying to do your best everyday and believe in yourself and say oh well so what.. I can voice for myself too..I need to do the same.. I was like that one time..and well Im back to square one for a bit but its getting better and I know you will put it away in that cave and keep it there ..I feel that fighting sprit in you and know you can do it..Its just a run of feeling bad but pretty soon you will be ignoring it again and well it will be just a passing memory ..So dont worry and be happy and thanks for your expression for my words .If nothing else I hope it helps someone.. God bless you sweetie.. Michael

09-05-07, 07:35

I almost had a tear in my eye from your last post. That was just beautiful what you wrote.

I will beat this!!


10-05-07, 02:35
I was having a great day today and feeling alot better, but all of a sudden I started to feel yuck. I feel like I can't concentrate on anything and feel like something is going to happen to me - thoughts are either a stroke or aneurysm or that I am going to pass out (even though I don't feel like I am)

This has now ruined my day. Is there anyway to make this feeling go away quickly.

10-05-07, 02:57

Yeah there is .. my heart has been skipping beats for two days pretty steady and its pounding in my head like thunder every missed beat every weird noise ..talk about being afraid of artery or annurysm I should be and am..I fight my battles moment to moment but can tell you this the fastest way go get over what you are describing is to get as busy as you can and face your fear and say you are not going to scare me..

There is nothing wrong with me im going to continue my life whether you want me to or not and im going to keep on going so you can just go away .I have feelings that something bad is going to happen almost everyday of my life Deb..Its just anxiety trying to pull you down.I tell you what I have been doing the last few days to get out of how you said you are feeling.

I got up played with the animals and waited on my wife brought her breakfast to the bed and then got busy feeding the animals and then hooked the irrigation pump up outside walked outside around the house came back in started washing clothes and then cooked dinner and then washed more clothes and now im eating and answering questions and posting them..

If you have to just keep writing ..indulge yourself here about what you are feeling or go to a blog that they will let you have a free private journal and write everytihng you are feeling and yes please tell us here to how you are feeling so we all can tell you its normal and natural and just keep fighting and it will go away.. You are ok its just anxiety and we are all here for you sweetie.. Michael

10-05-07, 04:28
Michael what would I do without your replies??

I always feel so much better after reading your replies. I just went to lunch which made me stop thinking about things for awhile and I feel nearly back to myself. I will have to try and keep myself busy like you said.

It is so good being able to talk to other people on here as I don't really do that with my husband, family or friends because they have no idea what it is like.
