View Full Version : SUPER TINY single light red dot on skin over my vein on my wrist

01-06-17, 22:59
Im so worried about this, its not the first time, i have had these several times and i always find them when i wake up :( and i dont know if they were there before i slept :( its really bad, no because of the red dot, but because of my (i really hate this word because she's a monsters, my worst enemy) sister :( we dont get along at all, she's a total stranger to me even thought i lived with her under the same roof my whole life, im 21 shes almost 19, and she has so much bad company as her friends, she drinks a lot, she goes out at 2 am and comes back only in the next day or even later in the weekends, she posts things on facebook about being a proud ho, it's trendy between these imbecile teenagers, and brags about getting boys and kissing stranger people, i dont even need to talk about her friends do i? she has horribly promiscuous shitty friends too :( id be ok with that if she didnt live with me but she does :( honestly when she goes out to school i just hope she won't come back, that something bad will happen to her because that would bring me great peace and relief, yes that's how bad i despise and fear her, i dont even get close to her, when im cooking and she gets close to pick something i instantly very fast move away because i fear she is going to prick me with a infected syringe either from her or from her friends that they gave her to infect me because im sure she talks bad about me too, and they have seen me some times when they came here to bring her to a night out.

I'm completely the opposite, i have no friends, i never went out, i never drank, i never smoked, i never used drugs and i'm 21, i had depression and anxiety for years but my anxiety has been getting MUCH MUCH worse since i saw a pic of her in some strange house with 3 grown men with beers on their hands and she has even a pic kissing one of them, she was 3 days out when this happened. UGH. i got so scared, how could she be so nasty? and she hates me she really does, she envious of me because i have such a good boyfriend that im going to meet in person one day soon, we have been dating for almost 2 years long distance but he has real plans and he helped me with so many things! he bought me a frigobar because i also have stopped eating, im scared she put blood on my food in the fridge so now for me to eat my father has to buy food and i have to make it right away, im not letting anything i will eat in the fridge, no way, because of her and her "friends" so terrified!

i have gone 2 days without eating, finally the frigobar is arriving and it will end, it will be in my room, i have also 2 locks in my room door (i had no door in my room before, my Love bought me it) one is the door knob closure which i think isnt safe enough i want a external lock on it and the other is a padlock, i lock them all day while im in my room, and never forget locking them when im sleeping, i lock them when i go out of my room to cook or to talk with my father i always do that, so lets go back to my subject i'm really sorry but i know people wouldnt understand me if i didnt explain how bad my situation here is.

so i woke up with this very super tiny light red single dot right on my wrist vein and now i'm imagining that she entered in my locked room somewheat, the door closure must not be really difficult to open since you can see its inside where you put the key and turn it to the other side, and when you do it theres still the padlock locked inside! and im afraid she manages to unlock it someway :( then go and prick me with a infected syringe while i'm asleep on my vein and i dont wake up, im so terrified im a deep sleeper, id ont know how to tell, but as you know all my life i have been drug, alcohol and cigarette free. and then she manages to close the padlock inside again and the door closure.. the door closure can be locked and opened from the inside and outside too but the padlock can only be inside :( its causes me so much anxiety, i have been so sad, depressed, worried, i know she wants to see me do bad and that she gets happy when something bad happens to me, it's horrible :weep: and to think that i saved this ho's life when she was a kid drowning in the pool, oh boy how i regret that :weep: if i only knew she would become this promiscuous monster i would have never done this, its my fault :weep: but how would i know?

i read about petechiae and saw pics of it but they seen much more bigger and have a strong red color and a bit raised and more of them, and mines small dont dont have any of these features, its a light color, totally flat, pretty small and theres only one of it, what scares me the most is that it's over a vein :( it's not a pimple at all its totally flat! sorry but i cant post pictures because i have no posts.

Thanks in advance

01-06-17, 23:38
Hi Slowdown,

Have you spoken to a doctor about your fears? If not, it sounds like it would be worth doing so. It sounds like you have symptoms of paranoia. I wish you all the best, please do try to get professional advice as it sounds like your own mind is causing you a lot of pain right now

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02-06-17, 01:16
Hi Slowdown,

Have you spoken to a doctor about your fears? If not, it sounds like it would be worth doing so. It sounds like you have symptoms of paranoia. I wish you all the best, please do try to get professional advice as it sounds like your own mind is causing you a lot of pain right now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

hey thank you so much for your reply, i never thought about paranoia before i know i have depression, anxiety and even panic syndrome
but i just read about paranoia and i identified with several things, but it says suspicious of everybody, here in my house lives my dad, step mom and her son im not suspicious of anyone AT ALL in fact if only them lived here i wouldnt need a frigobar, i wouldnt lock my wardobres or need high security door locks at all

i feared about rape when her son first got in here but now no more as he doesnt drink, doesnt goes out, stays in his place, dont bring "friends" over
its just her, if she disappeared my paranoia would be gone too. i'm paranoid of people in the streets but thats because theyre completely strangers, and for me shes a stranger, a stranger who hates me on top of that , we extremely despise each other, she always changes mood its hard to get along with her, only her shitty friends can do that, on my last 12 birthdays she never wished me a happy birthday, she even used to bring her boyfriend to sleep over, he even lived here! now when he left her shes gotten worse and sluttier i guess thats why he left her.
and also my boyfriend i totally trust him , i have no bad thoughts at all about him, not even a single one, i gave my life to him, i say im his property and i totally trust in him he could do everything he wants to me im not suspicious of anything at all when it comes to him, i Love him, he Loves me, hes Caring, so Good, Sweet, Affective, Providing, Thoughtful and now my gulp "sister" she's vile, dirty, promiscuous, value her friends over everybody, kisses people at raves she doesnt even know the name and brags about it on facebook, wow all her friends know that and she isnt ashamed!

i have was being treated for depression back in 2011/2012 they talked to me , gave me meds but it never helped :( i eat totally clean and i dont take any medicinal drugs i want to avoid them at all costs and i dont go because i know they will give me some drug.. and they have very unhealthy side effects too. i know when im finally living with my love i will be so happy and worry free and have peace but im so afraid of her infecting me and i not knowing while im here :weep: my mom also used to be promiscuous and drank a lot, used drugs but she loves me i never ever could think of she trying to do some harm to me in any way, never. but no my gulp sister shes a stranger to me, i am a stranger to her she changed everything when she became a teenager to become a proud party, rave, even in the dirtiest places, in the slums addict and proud of being easy or getting men. she used to bully me a lot too we usedto fight a lot, but now we just completely ignore each other, our last arguing was back in february, its so horrible, it makes my heart race so much, it makes me sweat, my hands shake i shout to her everything nasty that i know she is and i get so angry horribly angry and then it haunts my mind for weeks its really traumatic, she shout stuff at me too which i do my best not to hear what she screams. i hate her i really hate her i wish she was respectful, had good quality friends, not dressed as a slut and acted like one, going out at 2 am coming back only in the next day ugh

thank you again!!