View Full Version : MS again..

01-06-17, 23:45
Years back I exhibited a burning sensation in my limbs, was on an MS kick for about 6 months and then I somehow managed to convince myself that it was just my HA (go past me!) and it went away and I just kind of forgot about it. Now today after having a headache I for some reason started reminiscing on my MS fears/past symptoms and what do you know the burning came right back after almost 2 years of being gone! Im so freaked out! I'm in a dance class and since the first time the pain went away i haven't noticed any lack of strength or coordination which is good but man has HA really been kicking my butt lately... I'm so stressed. I never went to the doctor for this as I was young (16) and my mom just thought I was imagining it (which given my hypochondriac tendencies I don't blame her). Like I know it's no coincidence that it started up once I thought it up again but at the same time my minds like "but ya know it could be MS tho"