View Full Version : Death is Heavily on my mind

02-06-17, 05:44
Today since I woke up I've had this feeling as if something bad is going to happen.
My chest felt heavy this morning. I got butterflies in my chest (I know it's stomach but I feel that feeling in my chest)
Then I had a close call, there was an idiot with road rage that put a ton of people in danger. I drove the rest of the way home with my chest aching.
I got myself busy by washing/scrubbing down outdoor furniture.
Then I proceeded to dig and plant some rose bushes.
I mention this because I know that those activities work your chest.
Will right now I was reaching up to put some cups away. I'm 5' and my cabinets are built for tall people. Anywho so I stretched out all I could to put that cup away, I twisted a little, and that's when I felt immense pressure and pain in the center of my chest. Now it felt more internal then muscle related. My mouth began to fill with saliva and it still is and I feel like I have to burp but nothing happens. So I'm stuck feeling this pressure ball sensation in the center of my chest.
I fear I could have torn my esophagus. I ate a big lunch yesterday that left me feeling full the whole night and into the morning even though I had it around 2 pm in the day.
Or aortic dissection. (One of my biggest fears)
I am tense I have a big weekend ahead of me and maybe it's just my bodies way of telling me to take it easy?
I just fear like this is it this is my doomsday.

02-06-17, 06:07
That chest fluttering will be adrenaline. It's a common anxiety symptom. I've had it probably thousands of times as the internal vibrating issue has been one of my symptoms from the start of my breakdown ten years ago.

Your body is well used to the physical stresses of stretching, pushing, pulling, etc but sometimes you can get a sprain/strain from things like this. Position can be important too as twisting & bending can make injury more likely. Your body will just heal Itself in the case of minor sports style injuries.

As far a tearing your esophagus, I think the level of pain you would be in would be telling you something was seriously wrong any blood loss would mean emergency medical treatment. I really don't think you would be on here posting of that was the case.

Remember that tearing things in the body is very painful. Something would be telling you to see a doctor.

Try to challenge your thinking with counter evidence like this. How much pain do you think you would be in?

bin tenn
02-06-17, 14:09
I agree entirely with Terry. I've also experienced much of the same.