View Full Version : HA switched to another thing now one thing has been discounted! Help :(

02-06-17, 09:57
So I was terrified the last week that I had cervical cancer. I had lots of the scary symptoms but yesterday I had a full examination and it's all fine. However I still have the backache and feel a little under the weather.

Yesterday I felt like a normal person, which was wonderful.

I started worrying last night about a headache I had which passed very quickly and then I got panicky when I felt sleepy just before bed as I felt like it was a weird kind of sudden sleepy and my eyes felt heavy.

I'm still off work until next week with this anxiety and I started feeling bad as soon as I woke up today. My backache had almost completely gone when I woke up but then I started focussing on my head again and after about an hour I felt really sleepy again and fell asleep for 2 hours, when I woke up I was still really sleepy but have forced myself to get up as i'm afraid it's all related to my brain and that there's a tumour or something and that's why i'm feeling sleepy and that if I fall asleep i'll be in a coma!

Now have a weird cold sensation in the same spot i've been stressing about on my forehead and my back is really hurting again.

I know deep down i'm just transferring my HA to another part of my body and that's why I have head tension and why my back is hurting. Plus i'm sure that's why I was am so tired as the last week has been hellish.

Any words of kindness or advice would be much appreciated. I'm thinking about seeking out CBT therapy as it's helped me in the past. I'm just finding it so hard to accept that there isn't something deadly wrong with me after being SO convinced I had cervical cancer, plus I'm still waiting to have an ultrasound because of my back pain and think that they'll find something awful elsewhere (e.g kidney cancer, liver, bowel).

I don't think it helps that i'm just sitting around at home either!

02-06-17, 11:30
I frequently had headaches when I was at my worst, even when I had calmed down. I didn't realize until recently how long it takes for ones body to gradually release all that tension, rest easy.

02-06-17, 11:41
Thanks :) i know tension can make you feel so many things. I've just dug myself into a very deep hole over the past week and finding it hard to get out :weep: Also with this back pain and not knowing when i'm having this scan, i'm focussing on that too.

How do you get out of your rough patches?

02-06-17, 19:37
I feel you! I can relate so much to what your going through. I've been convinced that I had everything from a brain tumor, to MS, to now I think I was bit by a bat and might have rabies :wacko:
And I would swear I have all the symptoms to the point I would be missing work because I couldn't push myself out of the house, my anxiety was that bad. I dip in and out of these severe bouts. I'm seriously considering treatment because it just get unbearable.
It's at least somewhat comforting to know others go through it too, but still, it sucks.
Here's to hoping that we can overcome these irrational thoughts

02-06-17, 20:10
Thanks sheeplove, at least I managed to have a shower, wash my hair AND paint my nails today. Small victories! It's just every time my back aches I get scared which gives me stomach ache from tension I think but then I associate to 2 etc. etc.!

RE the bat bite thing, I read your post and i'm so sure a bat couldn't have got into your bedroom and out again very easily let alone without being noticed by the dogs. Also your husband checked plus you haven't seen any outside so I doubt there are even any in your area :)

I've started a diary today so that I can look back at this time and see how irrational i'm being. Every day i'll write how i'm feeling plus the things I managed to do and then I save a section for my 'Rational Thoughts' which is where I write down what rationally could be causing me to feel the way I do. This has helped today at least and I think it could help you too. It's great to get it out of your head, down on paper and then you just shut the notebook :)

Sending good vibes to you x

03-06-17, 00:48
Thanks :) i know tension can make you feel so many things. I've just dug myself into a very deep hole over the past week and finding it hard to get out :weep: Also with this back pain and not knowing when i'm having this scan, i'm focussing on that too.

How do you get out of your rough patches?

It got so bad I began failing at school, I knew after some events caused by anxiety it was ruining my life.

All I suggest is you should seek psychological help, as I did.

You should fear your anxiety more than your symptoms, it can destroy you. And it will get worse unless you seek help.

1: See your GP, he/she will refer you to a psychologist for initial assessment.

2: They will make notes, ask if there is any underlying cause, and thereafter forward this to their colleagues for discussion.

3: Dunno, I am at this stage.

As the headaches are concerned, if it was something sinister you'd be falling over they were that bad.