View Full Version : Just One More Question Before I GO?

08-05-07, 04:07
Since most of the post on this forum seem to be from me..I have just one more.. My routine isn't comprised of moving heavy things around.Lately I have moved a few but nothing tremendously heavy..

I manage to recoup within a few moments as far as breath goes..actually better than I should I suppose since we live at over a mile and one half over sea level..

I have been checked by doctors and no one admits to there being anything significant about any symptoms that I may have..short to the point..no heart disease or artery or lung disease..

This afternoon..feeling strong I went out and rolled to extra fence wire rolls a few feet.Each one weighing around 200 pounds..I just rolled these to another place a few feet away..

As I got through..I huffed and puffed and couldnt catch my breath and coughed and coughed ..Now im really tired and feeling weird..I checked my pulse..I know this isnt good but had to and it was beating 70 ..Ok

What gives..You are huffing and puffing and cant catch your breath yet your pulse is slightly below normal and beating steady.Is this normal.. just being out of shape yet not anything wrong with me or is there something that would make my pulse normal and I cant breathe..?

Nothing makes any sense in this place and im exhausted and feeling a little anxious about the whole day ..Anyone with answers please?

08-05-07, 06:52
Sorry you are feeling poorly right now. I would say that if you only felt like that after some really hard work that there isn't anything to be concerned about but if you are really worried about it you could bring it to your doc's attention and see what he/she says.
Not sure what you mean by 'nothing makes sense in this place'? But if you have questions about the forum or need assistance you can always contact an admin - we are always willing to help when needed.
Hope you are feeling better!!

08-05-07, 07:47
I suffer the same thing at times.
I'd love an answer if someone can help.
Phill :shades:

08-05-07, 21:49
This is response to Sandy,sorry I didnt clarify what I was saying.Nothing in my surroundings makes sense..Being a little dramatic I suppose but not actually this board is the only place I have found relief from stresses and the symptoms that I encounter and also the people here have helped me at my most weakest times when there was no one else that would or could..Hope this helps...Michael

Brandy snap
09-05-07, 00:32
Hi there, Just read your post and wondered, do you have slight asthma? Would an inhaler help to open your airways? Just a thought. Keep posting. Brandy Snap

09-05-07, 00:43
Nope Brandy, just live in an odd place.I asked the guy behind me which is another thousand feet higher if he ever felt that way ..He said as a matter of fact..whats odd I can unload a whole trailor of hay one day .. without getting winded and three days later i get out of breath going to empty the garbage..You have to admit thats a little strange..?Exactly what happens to me..One day I can lift and work and work and do and never get out of breath then i can walk outside and pick up enough grain to feed the horses and feed the dogs and cant breathe.I think its the altitude and also the humitdity too ..You see here its usally really low humidity ok..our lungs have learned to deal with little or no oxygen at high altitude and dryness..along comes mr humidity and then it clogs your lungs and you can breathe with little or no effort..It must be a location thing..This guy that lives over a thousand feet above me moves rocks all the time and is in the process of building and always moving ..One moment he is fine the next he cant breathe..I think a bottle of emergency oxygen is probably in order instead of an ashma inhaler.. But thats a thought..thanks for your input.. Michael

09-05-07, 03:52
Hey Michael -
Thanx for the clarification.
I really honestly have no idea what that could be from. It is odd tho that your neighbor has had the same problem. I would suggest that you talk to your gp about it cuz there has to be something that would help you.
Could be the air quality or something else environmentally going on where you live.

09-05-07, 06:52
Nope got to say if nothing else our air quality is some of the best in the world..People come here just to get better from ashma and such..We just have so little of it..where at sea level you have about 30 percent oxygen.. here we have anywhere from 12 percent to 17 percent.Mix that with another 80 percent of humidity and you have a receipe for disaster..

The reason im pretty sure about this is the man I speak of is head nurse here in the hospital a surgical nurse of 30 years..She doesnt even know the reason of it and has seen it all.. So well its got to probably be the humidity .. I would say its just we are older but we have 30 year olds working for us and cant talk and work at the same time..too much activity too little oxygen but when you relax you can breathe.. so its just a freak of nature but the place we live also is a freak of nature.

Its the highest alpine valley in the world.. So well its basically a desert in the mountains makes no sense whatsoever.. Its cold here six months a year and your body is slowly well more quickly in some instances being mummyfied over time.. from the dryness.

I was doing some reading here and this place has only been permantly occupied for about a hundred years..The indians wouldnt live here very long at a time said the enviroment was too harsh and the europeans had no interest in it at all and the Spanish which conquered this area in the 15 hundreds would venture here either.. so well you got to put all this together your mind and say what does this mean?

The Spanish called this the mysterious valley and the indian called it the forbidden valley .The indians thought it was holy ground and off limits to most and think that the sprirts live here..Maybe they do. .maybe the sprits of the people that died from lack of oxygen lol.. thanks for your reply.take care and wish me luck..Michael