View Full Version : fear of depression

02-06-17, 12:50
hi i haven't been on for a while but I'm struggling the past few days especialy about getting depression as it frightens the life out of me as since yesterday ive been feeling lost don't know wat to do with myself and feeling abit down and straight away I started to think omg am getting depression and ive been worring about it ever since I just cant get the worrie out my mind as the thought of getting depression scares the hell out of me as for some reason I seem to think that if having depression it means that it leads to suicide and that really frightens the hell out of me . i don't know weather its the anxiety that is making me have this belief or its something else , if anyone could give me some advice id be very grateful

02-06-17, 13:48
It sounds like health anxiety regarding mental illness, more specifically, depression, that's really playing on your mind. Would you say that death is what actually scares you?
Not everyone who's got depression ends up committing suicide, and not everyone who commits suicide suffers from depression. Depression, just like anxiety, can vary in its intensity and severity depending on the sufferer. People get treatment and get better, functional and healthy again. They recover from depression just like they recover from anxiety. :)

Saying that, even if you do experience some depression, it's no disaster. Anxious thinking makes us believe everything that sounds bad or has bad connotations (like depression does) is a threat to our well-being, but rationally, we know that's not the case. You actively trying to or thinking about ending your life is a suicide risk, not you having depression.
We all feel down from time to time, our moods fluctuate, and this needn't mean anything bad. :)

02-06-17, 13:51
Just becjause you got anxiety doesnt mean youll get depression. And in the unlikely case you did, it always lifts.

Try and listen to the free online recordings by Claire Weekes for comfort and inspiration

02-06-17, 14:57
thk you ana akb for replying back to me . ana I do suffer from health anxiety and you are right in wat your saying as yes death is what actually scares me the most so maybe that is why I fear depression so much because like you explained the anxiety makes me believe depression is bad, ANA I don't actively think of trying to kill myself as even the thought of it or even the word scares the life out of me as I do suffer with the intrusive thoughts about suicide and they even scare me to death so thk you once again for your advice.

02-06-17, 20:48
You're very welcome. :) I'm really scared of death myself (scared to death, you might even say :shades:) and I'd definitely pick 'death' as my biggest fear. I used to fear panic attacks killing me or causing me to behave or feel in a way that might result in me dying. Thankfully, my therapist has managed to get those ideas out of my head.

Please try and remind yourself that you do have control over your feelings (even thoughts, believe it or not!) as incredible as that might sound. They are your feelings, they belong to you, and so they are under your control. Most of all, though, whilst you can't control what condition you develop, you can always control your actions, and if you're not trying or intending to commit suicide, then it's not going to happen. :)

03-06-17, 01:43
Hi Tricia,

There's not so many of us on these days who may remember you as people seem to have moved on but it's good to see you getting support.

Try to remember that whilst this is scary, you've been having these thoughts for a while and they haven't changed anything for you other than upset you. There is no evidence of them pushing you into a depression where you could do something and obviously intrusive thoughts in anxiety are well known to be rarely acted upon.

These thoughts don't reflect you, quite the opposite. They scare you because they are clashing with your deeper beliefs about not wanting to take such an action.

03-06-17, 01:56
Just becjause you got anxiety doesnt mean youll get depression. And in the unlikely case you did, it always lifts.

Try and listen to the free online recordings by Claire Weekes for comfort and inspiration

I appreciate your reference to Claire Weekes.

03-06-17, 02:52
Hi snowghost

I even have the link


worth listening to at any time