View Full Version : Possible bat bite? Or am I overreacting? Help!

02-06-17, 16:44
Hi everyone
Im hoping someone here can put my mind at ease and tell me I'm way overthinking this whole thing.
Two days ago I noticed a red spot on my palm while in the shower. At closer inspection there were two tiny puncture marks less than a millimeter apart. For some reason I immediately thought BAT BITE!!
I don't even know why this popped into my head as I've never seen a bat in my house/yard or let alone my bedroom. But of course my anxiety went through the roof when I start googling bat bites and how brown bats (the kind we have here in Massachusetts) can leave bites so small it can go unnoticed.
So I tell my husband (poor guy has to deal with this kind of stuff regularly with me lol) and he pretty much thinks I'm nuts lol. He said we would most likely know if a bat was in our room at night and that they rarely bite people; also our 2 dogs sleep in the room with us and he thinks at least one of them would of alerted to a bat.
Funny thing is my husband is a pest control technician! So for my piece of mind he checked the whole house and attic - no signs of bats! You'd think this would give me a little ease but no, my crazy anxious self is convinced a bat snuck in, bit me, and flew away undetected.
The only other possible explanation for the puncture marks is that I stabbed myself with my needle felting pen, which has 3 needles all a mm apart. So it would match up perfectly if I got myself with 2 of the needles while felting. Thing is I stab myself so much with my felting needles I don't even pay attention when I do! So I can't say for sure that's where the marks came from!
What do you guys think? What would you do? Should I take a trip to the doctor..or is this so out there that I'm being ridiculous? Anyone know if bat bites are this small? I mostly read that puncture wounds from a bat are about a cm apart, but it of course depends on the size of the bat. Everyone I've told thinks I'm nuts, but I'm truly freaking out. Now today, you can't even see the marks anymore; so there's nothing even to show the doctor - just my crazy story. Also, I'm really dreading the thought of having to get the rabies series of shots, which I read can be painful, although not as bad as they once were.
Anyone who took the time to read this, thanks in advance. Ugh..why can't I just have a logically thinking brain!

02-06-17, 16:51
A bat got not only into the house but into your room unnoticed by anyone including animals, then bit you, again unnoticed, and escaped without a trace. That's what you're saying you know ;)

OR... the plausible explanation of the felting needles.

You have a choice of which to believe.

Positive thoughts

02-06-17, 16:55
Awesome Fish! We do have a choice!

02-06-17, 17:03
Yes, it sounds crazy lol:wacko: your right, and that's exactly what my husband said: Your choosing to believe the crazier/less likely scenario. Ugh I wish I never noticed the stupid spot to begin with. It's like fuel for the craziness that is my mind! Thank you for your reply :)

02-06-17, 17:05
Your choosing to believe the crazierl less likely scenario.

This doesn't even fall into "less likely". It's in the "impossible" category!

Positive thoughts

02-06-17, 17:30
Lol thank you! Your right..makes me feel better to see others think it's pretty much impossible. I wish I could think logically more often instead of jumping to "Worst/craziest scenario possible" or impossible :blush: