View Full Version : Banged head while getting into car. Now I'm worried!!

02-06-17, 19:00
So I bumped my head getting into my car earlier and now I'm freaking out about dying of a brain haemorrhage or having concussion etc. I keep thinking about the actress Natasha Richardson who died after bumping her head skiiing and I'm petrified I'm going to drop dead.
I keep looking at things to check my eyesight isn't blurry or double. I've been checking my eyes with a torch to check my pupils and I called my mum as I kind of wanted her or my dad to come down to my house to sit with me. (My partner isn't due home until 8.30pm as he is working!)
I keep telling myself it's unlikely. I bump my head loads and today's bang didn't knock me out or even daze me. Problem is, I keep worrying these things are cumulative and I'll get brain damage!
I'm trying to distract myself and then thought about checking in with the peeps on here as you all might be able to help me through this bit of anxiety!!

03-06-17, 17:16

I done it a few times during my life (also plenty of times bumping my head) in school a basketball hit my on my head. I was fine. I get brain scans not because of this but because I have a condition of nf and my brain is fine (I got a non cancerous lump there, or bright spot no idea what) but it is fine.