View Full Version : Ovarian cancer

02-06-17, 19:58
:weep: back again!!

Ive posted a few times all about the same complaint wich is an awful pain across the top of my back shoulder to shoulder and shoulder tip right side and a small lipoma next to my spine. Now everything has got a whole lot worse. For id say the last month ive a constant dull ache in my stumach its moves around but hasnt shifted one bit. Bowel movement dusnt make it any better either. Every now and then a get a shooting pain fown my leg. This has been causing me concern but ive just suddenly had a a thought this could actually be ovarian cancer!!!!!!! Now here is the problem i havt been to the docs yet but i have been ALOT about my other issues the last few months and have been sent for scans and didnt attend either as im too scared :( i cant cope with them not tellin you anything there and then i cant cope with trying to read there faces... also i last had a blood test in december evrything came back fine apart from low vit d... but now ive remeberd i once read on a forum that low vit d can be caused by a tumor.. gosh im a mess. Trying to be all chilled for my 3 little children but.im.struggling.

03-06-17, 10:31
No replys does mean no 1 has nothing to make me feel betta because it sounds bad :( u lot are usualy really good at calming people down.

03-06-17, 10:42
Hey lozboss

It doesn't sound bad to me at all, I think it's a case of imagination gone wild! (I often think anxious souls should be writers or filmmakers! The scenarios we build up in our minds are totally genius, if totally inaccurate!) But I think you should definitely open up to your GP about this particular fear. Of course it means going to an appointment, which might feel scary, but that's better than wasting more time worrying, as I am sure they will be able to set you at your ease. And, hopefully, offer some more help with your anxiety, which is causing you problems!

Very best of luck to you x

03-06-17, 22:15
Thanks for replying. Tonight the stomach ache is still ongoing only the pain is now in my hips and thighs!! I hrt so much. I could cry im that scared. Goin to book a docs app monday.