View Full Version : Peeing more than usual..

02-06-17, 23:37
Hey guys. I've had this happen to me several times in the past to but it was always that the more I focused on it the more it happens which is weird... Tuesday is when I kinda noticed it. I work from 9:30 am till 5/6 pm and usually during that time I don't pee once until I get home. But the past couple of days I've had to go a couple or a few of times while I'm at work. Sometimes I feel like every 2 hours I can go. It's not like a strong urge to go, I can just sense that my bladder could be emptied if I wished to do so. I woke up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night to go too and I really haven't changed what I've been drinking. Today I went at 8 am, 11:20 am, and 2:35 pm. I'm completely freaking myself out This, I had a hard time falling asleep last night I was worrying so much. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I hope I'm overreacting as everyone says.. I hate living in this constant fear

bin tenn
03-06-17, 03:36
I believe anxiety can be a factor, but oftentimes it's "just because". No real obvious reason. It just happens. There's no reason to worry, IMO. Some days I feel like I can't stop going, and other days I feel like I only end up going a total of two or three times.

03-06-17, 05:42
Same here. I had a period of time, maybe last year, where I was getting up 1 or 2 times at night to pee. It was completely bizarre and abnormal. It lasted a couple of months. No idea why it happened, but I did find a few posts on this page where people had it happen to them. Someone said it helped them to think yo themselves as they were falling asleep, "tonight I am not going to wake up to pee." They also tried a few nights to resist getting up, and going back to sleep. It basically re-trains your body and mind to not wake up to pee. I tried that and it worked for me, too.

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03-06-17, 10:49
Being anxious will result in physiological body changes. One such change is to activate the fight or flight response. As a result this will increase the release of the stress hormone cortisol into the blood stream which will then naturally produce more physiological changes to the body. It's a vicious cycle.

One such physiological change is to increase bladder spasms which will increase urinary frequency. There is nothing unnatural or wrong about this. This is purely the symptom. The bladder is responding to the signals its receiving from the brain. The issue is with the anxiety in the first place. Long term stress may chronically change your bladder habits but again and i repeat myself this is not the problem. The bladder is doing exactly what the brain is telling it to do. And it will continue to do so until you get the anxiety under control.

Different people may have different reactions to the fight or flight response and the corresponding increase in cortisol may produce different symptoms in each person. Some may feel this stress in their bowels, others in their stomach, others through headaches. As you focus more on your symptoms your neural pathways will associate the symptom with the anxiety. Neurons which fire together will wire together so over time the significance of your bladder under stress will be magnified to you - for others the magnification will be in their tummies, bowels etc.

You have to break the anxiety cycle. This will not be possible by focusing on the symptom since the symptom is the body working as it should work under duress. In essence you need to reduce the hormonal response which is the chemical element of the problem. As you do you also need to focus less on the physical element of the problem which is the neural pathways created in the brain.

Do everything possible to relax. Eat better, breathe better, meditate....bring out your duvet to the sofa and have an indulgant TV night...do whatever it takes to not raise that cortisol level in the first place.

03-06-17, 13:17
I had this for about a years and it was all anxiety it was horrible, had test after test and nothing wrong!

Once I accepted it was anxiety and held my wee for longer it went away
