View Full Version : Im Freaking Out

03-06-17, 00:19
The outer corner of my eyeballs have a yellowish tint and is super veiny. I dont have any other symptoms of jaundice but im still freaking out. Help please.

Megan Dawson
03-06-17, 04:41
Try to stay calm. Get it looked at as soon as you can. It's probably nothing, try not to worry I know it's hard when you have anxiety but try not to freak out. The best thing you can do is go to your GP and have it checked.
Sending love and peaceful thought your way. Hope you feel better.

03-06-17, 10:50
Hey there. I had the same worry about a year back. The far corners of the whites of my eyes definitely had a yellow tint. Had blood work done and everything was fine. Bilirubin levels and liver all good. I think most have some degree of discolouration in whites of their eyes. The veins and redness can be caused by so many things. Almost all minor.