View Full Version : Go Team Anxiety! Let's set some goals

03-06-17, 11:17
Hi everyone

Right, I'm fed up of making promises to myself that I never keep, and then feeling down about them. Why don't we start a thread where we set ourself a goal for the next week, however tiny, and then report back how we got on? I could certainly use your help and support in making a few life changes!

So, this week, my goal is to get a job application done for a job that I feel frightened to go for, even though I know it's a good option for me.

Anyone else? I also plan to brush my teeth and shower every single day this week :blush: which isn't always a given when I'm feeling bad!

03-06-17, 17:58
Good for you! :) Hmmmm, not sure yet what my goal will be, though. Gotta think on it. Maybe my goal should be to make a goal haha

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03-06-17, 18:24
My goal for week this week is to get a haircut.

04-06-17, 14:50
Good for you, Hollow! I hate the hairdresser so I'll be procrastinating on my manecare for a good few weeks yet, lol.

So far I have done my job application but not yet showered or brushed teeth :)

04-06-17, 16:55
I want to be able to go out somewhere on my own without having a panic attack, even if it is just buying something from a shop.

04-06-17, 18:30
Good for you, Hollow! I hate the hairdresser so I'll be procrastinating on my manecare for a good few weeks yet, lol.

So far I have done my job application but not yet showered or brushed teeth :)

Well done for doing your job application! I know how tedious some of these job application forms can be. I also managed to get out of the house to get a haircut. Btw, do brush your teeth and shower before your job interview. :)

04-06-17, 21:01
My goal for week this week is to get a haircut.


I get terrible fear when getting a haircut. Although, I managed it last week.

05-06-17, 12:01
Good for you, Random! They're awful aren't they - all that staring at your countenance in the mirror and talking about holidays you're far too anxious to enjoy :)

---------- Post added at 12:01 ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 ----------

Today, my goal is to go to the gym, and forward my uni scholarship forms to my supervisor, something I have been putting off for-ever. Anyone else got anything they want to accomplish?

---------- Post added at 12:01 ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 ----------

PS Hollow that's great about getting out of the house and the haircut - a triumph!

05-06-17, 12:19
My goal is to grow some hair lol

Seriously though I will do yoga 2ce a day not just once

05-06-17, 13:43
Wow twice a day! That's really impressive. Do you have videos that you follow, or do you know yoga well enough to just do your own routine?

08-06-17, 08:48
This is the best thread ever! I am rooting for all of you guys :yesyes: I don't like hairdressers either, they are always talking and talking, and I have no idea what to say. My goal for the next week is to take a local bus some place I don't know well and then walk back home.

08-06-17, 11:51
I think I haven't found a goal yet Bc I'm one of the minority of GAD sufferers who still does everything on my daily to-do list. I have no problem driving, getting out of the house, meeting strangers, etc. BUT, even though I do all of those things successfully, my GAD makes me incredibly uncomfortable and tense 99% of the time. Anxiety logic states that the more we face our fears and engage in activities, the less anxious we will likely fear. Not true in my case, sadly :( There are things I've done 1000 times completely calm, then one day, I feel anxious while doing them. I'll still do them, but I'll be irrationally miserable in the process. This disease is so crazy! Sheesh!
But in keeping with the gist of this thread...a thread I very much support btw...perhaps a goal of mine could be to download a mindfulness app and actually commit to trying the exercises more than just once of twice.

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08-06-17, 12:21
But in keeping with the gist of this thread...a thread I very much support btw...perhaps a goal of mine could be to download a mindfulness app and actually commit to trying the exercises more than just once of twice.

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That's a worthwhile goal! I've been doing mindfulness exercises for a while and they do help. I don't use a app i follow them on a CD i got with the book.

08-06-17, 12:47
Autumn, I totally understand how you feel. I'm also dogged in my pursuit of my goals, even though I suffer through them because of my anxiety. But just lately, I have found that some peer support helps me get through the executive tasks I might otherwise sack off. I tend to struggle with things that require daily input, like mindfulness, because I don't see results quickly enough. Did you manage to find a mindfulness app yet?

I managed the gym three times this week, and also managed a big thing for me, which was that I went to a day-long conference at my uni and when I got that 'I need to leave here immediately' feeling mid-afternoon, I sat it out. I was glad I stayed for the last talk in the end - score one for me!

My goal for today is to do two hours of uninterrupted writing/study, which I badly need to do for my course.

08-06-17, 16:04
I want to be able to go out somewhere on my own without having a panic attack, even if it is just buying something from a shop.

I don't know if this counts but my mum drove me up to the poling station and I went in and voted by myself. I didn't have a panic attack and have been going out(with my mum or a care worker) and not had a panic attack while out for a while. Even though I have felt anxious while out.

Sticking with the comments on hairdressers, I also need to get my hair re-dyed as it has faded and my roots are showing quite a lot. (I usually get it done regularly but since I have had this set back with my anxiety, I have not been able to go.) I don't know when this goal is for because I don't think I have the courage to be in the hairdressers for two hours yet.

I think my next goal will be to start driving again, as I have not driven my car since this set back.

09-06-17, 15:58
That's amazing! Despite your nerves, you went in and exercised your democratic right to vote. I understand how terrifying it can feel to do something without your 'safe person' there. Hats off to you, it's terrific news.

Good idea about getting back in the driving seat. You wouldn't have to go very far at first, just start with small trips etc.

I managed to do my writing, not sure I got anywhere very much with it, but the important thing is I sat down and looked sternly at it for two hours!

My next goal is to sit through a whole film without constantly fiddling with my phone for reassurance (an OCD thing).

09-06-17, 21:11
Having recently joined the forum, I guess it never hurts to join a team. Count me in as a member! :)

Now, a goal. I've been procrastinating but I really need to make some videos for my new YT channel. I aim to get at least 7 videos done in the upcoming week. :D

10-06-17, 10:04
Having recently joined the forum, I guess it never hurts to join a team. Count me in as a member! :)

Now, a goal. I've been procrastinating but I really need to make some videos for my new YT channel. I aim to get at least 7 videos done in the upcoming week. :D

Good for you Rick! What's your youtube channel about? Can you make any money from YouTube videos, just curious.

10-06-17, 12:27
Go Rick! That's a great goal. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

11-06-17, 00:22
Good for you Rick! What's your youtube channel about? Can you make any money from YouTube videos, just curious.

The YT channel is about anxiety. Mostly me discussing about my thoughts and experiences but also had a few podcasts discussing issues with others people to get a different perspective. Don't make any money now but I intend to do that one day. It's my dream where I help people and make a living from it. :)

Go Rick! That's a great goal. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Thanks! I hope you are having a great weekend too. :)

11-06-17, 16:34
Good for you, Rick. That sounds like a great goal. Do post a link here when you're done, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see your videos.

I've done some writing today which I'm really proud of, now going to try to sit through a film without fidgeting!

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:32 ----------

I'm also going to try to stay off Facebook for 24 whole hours. I am completely addicted as it provides distraction from the anxiety, but there are other healthier ways to distract myself: so this will be a big thing for me!

12-06-17, 01:28
Thanks! I've got a website link here if anyone's interested. Still a work in progress but it should give a general idea of what I try to accomplish.


Sounds great that you did some proud writing. We always need some little successes to bring a smile on our face. As for FB, gl with that. Some people cannot leave it and some people like me dislike it enough to not want to use it at all.

18-06-17, 16:32
Urgh, so my quest to stay off Facebook was a resounding fail. I think that because I like being distracted from the anxiety so much, it's become a bit of a comfort blanket to just quickly check it. But maybe that's OK!

I like your website Rick! Well done. It looks really good - did you design it yourself?

18-06-17, 16:54
Urgh, so my quest to stay off Facebook was a resounding fail. I think that because I like being distracted from the anxiety so much, it's become a bit of a comfort blanket to just quickly check it. But maybe that's OK!

Yeah i know what you mean, i don't have facebook but i feel i'm on this website and on the internet in general too much. I keep saying to myself i will only check it twice a day but i keep doing it every hour. Maybe this should be my next goal to stay off this website and do something more productive offline.Also agree with you that's a good website Rick.

19-06-17, 02:09
Urgh, so my quest to stay off Facebook was a resounding fail. I think that because I like being distracted from the anxiety so much, it's become a bit of a comfort blanket to just quickly check it. But maybe that's OK!

I like your website Rick! Well done. It looks really good - did you design it yourself?

Well, you were a bit overambitious with your quest. Maybe do it in stages and steadily get rid of your need for FB.

Thanks! The site made designing relatively easy and I just picked what sort of worked for the theme. :)

Yeah i know what you mean, i don't have facebook but i feel i'm on this website and on the internet in general too much. I keep saying to myself i will only check it twice a day but i keep doing it every hour. Maybe this should be my next goal to stay off this website and do something more productive offline.Also agree with you that's a good website Rick.

I wish you best of luck with your next goal! And thanks! :)

27-06-17, 15:53
I don't know if this counts but my mum drove me up to the poling station and I went in and voted by myself. I didn't have a panic attack and have been going out(with my mum or a care worker) and not had a panic attack while out for a while. Even though I have felt anxious while out.

Sticking with the comments on hairdressers, I also need to get my hair re-dyed as it has faded and my roots are showing quite a lot. (I usually get it done regularly but since I have had this set back with my anxiety, I have not been able to go.) I don't know when this goal is for because I don't think I have the courage to be in the hairdressers for two hours yet.

I think my next goal will be to start driving again, as I have not driven my car since this set back.

I just wanted to say that I put driving again on hold as not long after I made the quoted post, I had another blip and felt like I was back to square one again. But today I drove my car for the first time in over a month which I am very pleased about. My mum came with me and sat in the passanger seat incase I felt like it was too much so that I could pull over and she could drive. I was ok though and managed to drive to the shops and back.

I had to go the long way to the shops as there had been an accident on the road where I usually drive and the police were directing traffic a different way but surprisingly I was actually ok, the anxiety was still there all the time but I didn't panic.

27-06-17, 18:21
This is fantastic! Well done you for sticking to your guns and driving despite your fear! Small and sensible steps is what it's all about x

27-06-17, 22:32
I just wanted to say that I put driving again on hold as not long after I made the quoted post, I had another blip and felt like I was back to square one again. But today I drove my car for the first time in over a month which I am very pleased about. My mum came with me and sat in the passanger seat incase I felt like it was too much so that I could pull over and she could drive. I was ok though and managed to drive to the shops and back.

I had to go the long way to the shops as there had been an accident on the road where I usually drive and the police were directing traffic a different way but surprisingly I was actually ok, the anxiety was still there all the time but I didn't panic.

That's great to hear! Being able to tackle a fear and more or less overcome is a great feeling. Taking these a step at a time and you'll eventually overcome many challenges in your life. :)