View Full Version : Abnormal(?) bleeding *TMI*

04-06-17, 02:16
Hi!! : ( This is TMI-- be warned!

I'm a 19 y/o female.

Couple a days ago I noticed a little spotting while cleaning myself. Thought it was strange, too early for a period, and brushed it off. Today as I was walking back home I noticed an uncomfortable wetness on my "back side". Got home to clean it off and was shocked to find blood!! It wasn't bright red or anything (more like the pinkish color in light flows) but I'm scared because not only have I never notice spotting, but it seems too early and I'm scared it's abnormal bleeding. I'm scared now of having cancer...
Can stress be the cause?
I'm also trying to jog my memory of my last cycle.. it does feel rather early to experience a new cycle but I do have a knack for losing track of time.... I'm just very scared. Has anyone experienced bleeding due to stress??? When should I start worrying??? Not that I'm not already worried.
My brain is saying, "GET HELP!" but another part is saying "You're something of a hypochondriac are you really that sure" and I don't know what part of me to trust! : ( I'm trying to retrace my steps from last month to figure out my last cycle right now... but for now, I'm just trying to make sure I'm not alone :sad:

04-06-17, 03:01
I am 45 and, in my experience, I have had times here and there when I've spotted- and I don't have cancer!

Stress can definitely cause spotting, sometimes your hormones are not quite there to get you all the way to a period so you spot, you can spot a little spotting at ovulation, you can spot a few day before your period (that happens to me sometimes but definitely not everytime), and you can even spot if you are pregnant or if the egg has just implanted.

There's a really great book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility that explains what is happening during the menstrual cycle and all the things that can be "off." I recommend that all women read the book.

Now, they do say to see your doctor if you are spotting (I never have) so I would say, if it happens more than a few times, it's worth mentioning. But, cancer is most definitely not the only cause of bleeding. If you are really stressed, your body might be ovulating late, or the hormones are just not where they should bel, or maybe it's actually that your period has started. Don't panic!

04-06-17, 05:26
I am 45 and, in my experience, I have had times here and there when I've spotted- and I don't have cancer!

Stress can definitely cause spotting, sometimes your hormones are not quite there to get you all the way to a period so you spot, you can spot a little spotting at ovulation, you can spot a few day before your period (that happens to me sometimes but definitely not everytime), and you can even spot if you are pregnant or if the egg has just implanted.

There's a really great book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility that explains what is happening during the menstrual cycle and all the things that can be "off." I recommend that all women read the book.

Now, they do say to see your doctor if you are spotting (I never have) so I would say, if it happens more than a few times, it's worth mentioning. But, cancer is most definitely not the only cause of bleeding. If you are really stressed, your body might be ovulating late, or the hormones are just not where they should bel, or maybe it's actually that your period has started. Don't panic!

Thanks for your response. I'm really scared to see my doctor because last time I was afraid for my health it just made me even more afraid waiting for results (everything ended up fine, of course). I'm still really worried because it doesn't look like I'm menstruating. All there is is some pinkish blood instead of just blood : ( I'm avoiding google the best I can right now :frown:

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

I am 45 and, in my experience, I have had times here and there when I've spotted- and I don't have cancer!

Stress can definitely cause spotting, sometimes your hormones are not quite there to get you all the way to a period so you spot, you can spot a little spotting at ovulation, you can spot a few day before your period (that happens to me sometimes but definitely not everytime), and you can even spot if you are pregnant or if the egg has just implanted.

There's a really great book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility that explains what is happening during the menstrual cycle and all the things that can be "off." I recommend that all women read the book.

Now, they do say to see your doctor if you are spotting (I never have) so I would say, if it happens more than a few times, it's worth mentioning. But, cancer is most definitely not the only cause of bleeding. If you are really stressed, your body might be ovulating late, or the hormones are just not where they should bel, or maybe it's actually that your period has started. Don't panic!

Sorry to reply again-- I couldn't help but google! X_X Apparently it's ovulation or a change in hormones... And thank you for that recommendation, I really ought to look into that.

05-06-17, 04:09
It's no longer a pink discharge anymore-- it's actual blood! It's freaking me out. My period has never started like this before and is lighter than what the start of my cycle usually is, but too much to be ovulation. It's just like being on a very light period.I know stress can make it come early but does it usually start with spotting and a tiny bit of pink blood before it becomes a light-ish flow??? When I wipe it's still somewhat pinkish but with red and also small dark red clots? :( Has anyone had this???

05-06-17, 10:02
This has happened to me once or twice, not often cause my periods are usual regular but it has happened before. I mentioned it once to my doctor he just brushed it off as "hormones" and didn't seem to worry about it. And stress can definitely cause spotting or irregular periods, as well as there are hormonal changes happening in our bodies all the time. Also are you on hormonal contraception? Because they can sometimes mess with your cycle, I've had a lot of that at some point.

Personally I was never taught that a bit of spotting or an irregular period is something to worry about so I never did in the past. Also I imagine if it's an irregular period than it's not too unusual if the flow is not the same as it usually is.

If there is nothing else that seems unusual wait for your period to pass and then if the spotting doesn't stop or you keep getting irregular periods maybe talk to your doctor, but still not that there would be anything to panic about but just that you can see what is going on and ease your mind.