View Full Version : Now worried about hair loss (female)

04-06-17, 08:52
I haven't been on here in a while but to be honest I've not been doing great for some time with my anxiety. This past week or so I have noticed that my hair seems thinner at the sides than on top. I've basically gone into meltdown that I'm losing my hair as I seem to be shedding a lot at the moment. I've tried to attach a picture so you can see what I mean. I'm definitely not imagining it. It's possible that my hair has always been thinner at the sides but I'm sure I would have noticed it before now. I'm really terrified of losing my hair.
The other issue is that I think I really need to go back on meds for my anxiety but since hair loss is a possible side effect with all the SSRIs I'm too scared to take them. I know there are no real answers to this but I just feel so down and on my own with my constant anxiety over this. I check my hair constantly to try to reassure myself that it's not that bad, but obviously I feel worse every time because this is how it looks :(

04-06-17, 09:08
Also to add that I have a habit of constantly running my fingers through my hair in this area and I'm wondering if this could continue although I don't ever actually pull mt hair out.

04-06-17, 22:18
I've asked a lot of people about this in real life, and they all say that it's fine and I am not losing my hair. Even people I trust to tell me the truth say this, so why do I not believe it?
Anyway, I have decided that I do need to go back on my medication. I have researched that SSRIs least likely to cause hair loss (since this is my current obsession, I can't see how taking medication that actually causes this would really help me much!) and I have come up with Celexa.I wonder whether any of you have experience with this?