View Full Version : Nerve pain in arm

04-06-17, 11:56
I know I have a different thing every week, last time it was legs and now it's arms, but while I've started medication today is the first day my HA is worse again and I can feel myself spiriling down, so I thought I'd post here and see if it helps.
I keep having sort of nerve 'pain' in my elbow the past couple of days or rather than pain the feeling you sometimes get when you hit your elbow and your nerve sort of tingles for a bit. So basically it's really uncomfortable and it's starting to stress me out. Sometimes when I extend my arm it sort of feels like I lack flexibility, it's just overall uncomfortable but it comes and goes like sometimes its worse than other times. I'm pretty sure it's not an entrapped nerve because I've not exercised or anything like that like it's literally just another thing in the line of symptoms I get.
What makes it worse is that the past week I've had a lot of pain in my hand joints on that same arm, which tbf probably isn't connected to my nerve pain in my elbow it more feels like muscular pain and it gets worse when I use my hand (which is a lot since it's my right hand). And while I don't have any weakness my hand definitely gets fatigued faster because my wrist and finger joints start to ache.
So over the past week I've pretty much got rid of my MS fear but it is still lingering in the back of my head and these symptoms are making it worse. I really want to contain this and not have a massive HA setback again so I really need some support. I can't go to my GP over this because he's already had enough of my pretty much weekly visits..

---------- Post added at 10:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 ----------

now my legs started shaking uncontrollably as well and it doesnt stop :/

04-06-17, 13:13
Gordon Bennett you sound just like my wife ............... No offense what I meant was my wife is dealing with the exact pain you described (elbow pain, wrist pain and hand pain all on the same arm) and has been for years now.

I can be confidant in saying its all related to a nerve problem either in the upper scapula region or in the shoulder or neck area you dont have to be excersising to pinch a nerve you could have slept awkwardly or even just have tight muscles in that area pressing down on the nerves.

How is your posture do you have a forward head posture or rounded shoulders first take these into consideration its well known people who suffer with extreme anxiety develop very bad body posture.

All the best.

04-06-17, 14:29
I guess my posture isn't great... it's so weird tho because sometimes my elbow is super uncomfortable and others not as much. I'm just so worried it could be something worse like MS especially combined with the rest of my anxiety symptoms :/ idk i'm not having a good day

04-06-17, 14:53
If you are saying you have bad posture I would Definately work on that secondly there are many benign reasons for the pain you are having so please try not to jump to the most extreme I know its easier said than done but consider all the other reasons beforehand.
Anxiety is like a puzzle if you keep chipping away until you start seeing the bigger picture its begins to get easier and easier.
Focus on that rather than a niggle here or a niggle there.
Many people including myself wished we only had a painful elbow and wrist but unfortunately I have to deal with constant pain top to bottom front to back.
You'll be fine deal with the anxiety and you'll see every doubt you have vanish into thin air.

All the best

04-06-17, 19:22
I'm feeling worse now as it's getting towards the evening.. my right hand and wrist ache so much (left one also slightly but less) I can't hold my phone or type on my laptop as my hand starts to ache and I start getting pains in it I'm so scared. I know anxiety can cause chronic pains and joint pains and stuff so that could be the reason right?
I'm telling myself it can't be something serious as since my HA has started 4 months ago I've been having a new unexplained symptom every week that eventually passed and this one popped up just like that as well, so it would be too much of a coincidence if something was actually wrong???

I also had an MRI done a couple of weeks ago (but without contrast) when I was deeply in my BT fear, surely it would pick up on something if there was MS... but then I read in some cases mri without contrast isn't enough.... this is literally so dumb like I can hear how ridiculous I'm sounding typing this but it still isn't helping how i'm feeling :/