View Full Version : How long for it not to be MS?

04-06-17, 10:35
Basically I've experience burning in my legs and arms kind of off and on for about 2 1/2 years. It all started it when I was in a very high state of anxiety. Now when it really flares up its when I'm actively thinking and worried about it but it sometimes flares up really mildly when I'm not thinking about it. So obviously I've been worried about MS and Lately I've been trying not google about it because I know it'll make it worse not to mention I haven't been to the doctor for it. Like if I had MS would I be actively developing new symptoms and growing more and more immobile/weak over a 2 year period or what? I haven't been really that paranoid about it again until lately and it's really been bothering me, I just can't get it out of my head.

04-06-17, 13:00
Hi there
I'm pretty sure symptoms for MS do not come and go and 2 1/2 years is a long time for you to not have a confirmed diagnosis in fact I was talking to a lovely lady the other day who told me how her son was diagnosed with MS 20 years ago.

First he had pins and needles in the one hand that didn't go away for a day or 2 and than he had pins and needles in both hands it eventually spread up the arms and it wasnt long after that he was diagnosed with MS.

If you haven't dealt fully with the Anxiety it will always linger in the background like the little kid who wont go away once you start playing games on your phone so any intrusive thoughts could set it off again focus more on dealing with the anxiety I say.

All the best.

04-06-17, 18:08
That's what I was thinking because 2 1/2 years is a long time to go without developing any other symptoms but idk it'll probably always be in my mind as a "possibility"