View Full Version : find it hard to explain

08-05-07, 09:12
just had a panic attack this mornin and when it come to puttin in to words what it ws lke i find it so hard to say i no i thought it was not a panic attack thhought i was about to die i felt like i could not get my breath my whole body felt tingly and like i was fadeing away my eyes felt heavy i thought they are going to close and that will be it i will die i could feel the adrenline racing all over the place just how do u explain how it is some one from the mental health team came to asses me other week she just kept sayin explain how u feel i treid to tell her i get up most mornings feelin anxiouse and stay that way all day how do u tell them what anxiouse feels like any way i am going on a bit are,nt i so i will say bye for now trish

08-05-07, 10:16
Hi Trish

Sorry to here how you are feeling hun, I have had the same thing, will not go into deatail, it may contain triggers, but know just how you feel hun.

You have explained it well to me, yet, its me and I bet other people come along and say the same too, but they have been there, we know what you are going throgh, so we know what you are saying., we know how you feel.

Explaing how you feel to someone who has never experienced it, is, sooo hard to do, but trish, just say it how it is, what you have written here is great,

What I would say, about being anxiouse and stay anxiouse all day is, I used to try to explain it by saying. "have you ever had a friend jump out at you and say BOO, and for a split second your sooooo scared, your heart races." they may say, mmm oh yes. then I would say, " can you think how you felt for that split second, fear, but you calmed yourself down becuase you new it was a prank. Well, I feel your split second fear every second of the day, as if someone jumps out at me every second of the day, I fear all day, I am on edge all day, as if something is going to happen, I feel as if my life is in danger.

It is dame hard to explaing panic or enxiouse, sometimes what they want is, yes to know how you feel, to know what goes on, but remember trish, the mental health team have herd your explanation many many times befor. I don't think anything you say to them can sound strange, they do deal with these things day in day out, so you have explained the best way you know how.

You are not going on trish, but looking for answers, wanting soo much for your panic anxiety to stop.




08-05-07, 12:14
thanks yet again jill yr right about how u say if some one jumps out at u i use to say imagin coming face to face with a nasty dog and the fear the adrenlin rush well i get that all day so yeah thats just how it is any way thanks for being here bye for now trish

08-05-07, 22:51

Anxiety is an odd creature..The bad thing with it is... you maybe not even be feeling anxious or nervous and the feelings you decribed hit you anywhere anytime.. I have had this happen..Its scarry to be in a place full of people,espcecially people that you know and all of a sudden this happen..

Or driving down a road because you get an unsual sensation visually or something else odd that sets it off..Over the years my anxiety has been very minimal,up until the last year..and it overcame me again.

There is one thing that I have found that helped me over the years..I was prescibed librium..real low dosage about 10 years ago.Although I never took it ,I kept it in my pocket always for just instances as you described..

I would be out somewhere and out of nowhere anxiety would hit.I would reach im my pocket and get one of the pills out and take it and maybe psycogical I was better within minutes..I don't know if its just like a safety blanket or what but it has helped me on numerous occassions just knowing that I had it there,and usually right after i take it im back to somewhat normal feeling.I think its more mental after taking than the actuall medicine but it has worked for me..

Just thought I would let you know this might work out for you .