View Full Version : Heart!!!!!

04-06-17, 13:52

So For two days I have had like a twinge/squeeze pain in my upper left arm maybe a few times a day lasting a few seconds .... (today only once)

As a health anxiety sufferer I seek online help....
a site where u ask an online doctor a question... (it was free, Healthtap)

And there response was could be angina!!!!!

I'm freaking out!!!

I'm 34 overweight with controlled high bp
2 years ago I had echocardiogram arteries looked at as a stroke fear ended me up in hospital it ended up being anxiety.
talk to me !!!!

Gary A
04-06-17, 14:43
Angina pains generally come on during exertion and are almost always in the chest area. At 34, angina is not a very likely cause for arm pain at all. There are far far more likely explanations like a muscular strain or trapped nerve.

This is a perfect example of why HA sufferers shouldn't take advice from the Internet. See your doctor for things like this, if you must, but please don't seek help from a random health website that answers medical questions without a doctor even seeing you directly.

04-06-17, 15:01
Totally agree with Gary A my money is on a nerve issue
And its almost like an insult to those qualified practitioners who spent many stressful years qualifying just for Google to take all the praise.
All the best.

04-06-17, 16:50
I have angina. What you described is not it.

Positive thoughts

04-06-17, 22:01
Thank you guys