View Full Version : I need advice...

04-06-17, 16:17
Hey guys.
Last week I was a wreck over a mole on my foot. While I was freaking about that mole I started looking at one that I have on my upper thigh/hip. It looked a little dry/raised so I picked at it a little which made it raise more. Next day i had my appt and the dermatologist put a dermoscope on every mole I have and said that nothing I had really even looked atypical and I would be fine with a yearly check. I was fine till later that night I noticed a little black spot in the hip mole. It may have always been there, I dunno. It had to have been there for the appointment.
The mole has gone back down to its minimally raised appearance and looks ok in that regard but the black spot is still there.
So I had a skin screening in march. Then in April. Then last week. When I specifically pointed out this mole to two of the dermatologists they said it looked ok. I'm not in a full blown panic over this but I keep having intrusive thoughts about misdiagnosis and freak accident stories etc. I just need some advice / tools to help with accepting the fact that 3 dermatologists have seen this mole and two specifically have said it's ok.

I hate how health anxiety makes you question even your own rational thinking.

04-06-17, 17:03
I just need some advice / tools to help with accepting the fact that 3 dermatologists have seen this mole and two specifically have said it's ok.

I would suggest professional help. Reassurance isn't going to help and we could suggest different techniques but ultimately you have to act and work on them. There is no one magic technique as everyone is different. Getting a professional involved also give you some accountability to work on yourself. A forum cannot provide that. I say that because I've seen many member "say" they're working on their own but their posts prove otherwise ;) If you're paying a professional to help you, you're more inclined to do the work.

Positive thoughts