View Full Version : Back again

up a ladder
05-06-17, 07:38
So after a really bad couple of months just after Christmas, then a couple of months feeling okay, I'm back and feeling very anxious again.
Off to see the docs today. I am on 15mg of mertazapine and managed to put on 2 stone in 2 months and feeling constantly sleepy.
Not sure if I need to up the dose or just try other methods to stop the constant fear of everything going horribly wrong.

05-06-17, 10:13
Mirtazapine is a anti-depressant that will make you fat , i bet you eat like a horse it gets you that way. no point in you going up on the med, your just stressing about the world mirtazapine will make you feel worse . you have to be depressed for it to work not stressed:shades:

06-06-17, 17:17
I'm on 45mg of Mirtazapine a day, with the occasional 2mg Diazepam and 80mg Propranolol when required, to treat anxiety.

I too am suffering setbacks, and don't seem to finding my feet again. After several months of this treatment, I have had periods of calm, but mostly at the moment, I am having those nagging thoughts and feelings AGAIN.

I'm seeing my Mental Health nurse tomorrow, who listens but can't prescribe and whilst at the centre, will make another appointment with my GP.

I know your pain, and yes the Mirt does increase your appetite. However, I have been very strict with my food intake and have cut out all sugary and fattenings foods. I snack on green veggies and lots of fruits, which has kept the weight at bay, thus far.