View Full Version : can this really be anxiety?

08-05-07, 16:02
When you guys get sick, does your anxiety come back in full force? For the most part I have been doing quite well... but the past few weeks I have been sick with a few different bugs, and the anxiety has become out of control. Does this happen to anyone else? Will it ever go away again? My heart is racing, I am having chest pains, I am dizzy... I just feel so ill right now, when in actuality I probably just have a cold. I am so scared though. Why is this happening?

08-05-07, 16:05
Try not to worry too much.

When I catch something (like the dreaded man flu) my anxiety raises with feeling bad, but once I am better the anxiety eases off.

I would imagine the anxiety will ease off as you get better.



08-05-07, 17:01
Hi I think this happens to alot of us.You get allsorts of symptoms when your ill and we then start to think the worse.Your not alone with this.:hugs:

08-05-07, 23:22
Yep, I have a few good days .. I feel like my old self and then right back to the drawing board..Illl do something physical and strenous thinking it wont bother me which in turn makes me weak or feel bad the next day thus making me pay attention to the way I feel more and its a vicous cycle and yes it will subside one day when it gets to the point you just dont care anymore or well that you are going to live till you die as my mother used to say..

I cant talk..i do the same ,we all suffer bad days and good days and evenutally your mind turns it away and it will go into oblivion for awhile..That length of time is kind of up to you and how stressfull your life is or has become..Just try to relax don't worry and just think of other things and keep going..I had to take the attitude that well Im going to keep going if i die at least it was doing something i wanted to do ..and not sitting in a corner scared that i was dying..So hope this helps a little..