View Full Version : I'm back.....constant rectal pressure

05-06-17, 18:39
I used to be a regular poster on here, but managed to get on top of things, with an odd wobble but now I am back in a state of frenzy.

Basically I have continual rectal pressure, feels like I am sitting on a ball, going to the loo more frequently, uncomfortable to walk as feels like there is something there.... I went to the docs two weeks ago and she said no piles and nothing untoward she could find on an exam, but I am terrified I have a rectal prolapse. Terrified to the point that I can't think about anything else. I have asked for a referral to see someone as it's consuming me. It never goes away, constant feeling of pressure and sometimes some sharp pain...
Has anyone else had this before?
How do I know whether the rectum has prolapsed?

05-06-17, 21:04
This doesn't sound anything like a rectal prolapse!

If you want a reassurance, though, a sigmoidoscopy is very easy to do and doesn't have nearly the same agonizing prep as a colonoscopy. It would show clearly if anything is wrong in the immediate part of your butt. Good luck!