View Full Version : Back pain, pain in leg.

05-06-17, 20:51
For some time, must be two years now, ive had a pain in my leg from my thigh and downwards with some weird sensation sometimes, however it isnt weak. Everytime my boyfriend touches the bottom of my back on my spine it causes and sharp pain that makes me jumo. Its in one spot i think. Even touching it myself it hurts Alot!! After googling, spinal cancer and tunours came up. What sre the chances?? Absolutely terrified of it being something like that!!

05-06-17, 22:22
Have you not seen a doctor about it?

05-06-17, 22:37
like a sharp pain, or cramp pain?

05-06-17, 23:48
A sharp pain

05-06-17, 23:50
I told the doctor about the leg pain, she said it could be nerve related and reffered me to physio, i never went though because i was terrified about what they would say

06-06-17, 00:19
You need to go and get the physio - they have told you what they think it is and how to relieve it.

You could get this sorted so easily if you went - rather than think the worst.

It could be a trapped nerve

So, yes go and get the physio

06-06-17, 00:37
You have two posts about this so I am merging them

06-06-17, 09:52
What are the possibilities of it being somethinf sinister? Wpuld it be loads worse now if ive had leg pain for two years ?

06-06-17, 18:35
They are very remote but you need to do what the doctor suggested. Yes it would be worse.

Go and see the physio

06-06-17, 21:28
It's been two years so I'm pretty sure you can rule out anything sinister. :) You should check with the physio though, there's a reason why it isn't getting better so you should get some treatment. Meanwhile, stay off google. :)

07-06-17, 07:51
I have an appintment with the doctor this morning so in hoping he will do something for me.

09-06-17, 15:22
The doctor felt my back, said it could be a prolapsed disc but wasnt 100% sure. Still worried about a spine tumour. Also i bleed nearly everytime i have sex with my boyfriend, so now worrying about cervical cancers😒