View Full Version : wearing me out.

05-06-17, 23:43
It only really stops when I sleep. I have to keep doing things throughout the day to feel normal but I'm knackered by bedtime. I used to love sitting doing nothing or just watch tv but now it's almost impossible. It can't be an attack because it's pretty constant. I'm not really worrying about anything so how can it be anxiety? Maybe it is actually madness? I'm taking Propranolol but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Sometimes I have a good day and I think it's gone but then..... suddenly I feel awful again. I can't get hubby to understand either he thinks I should "snap out of it" "Pull myself together" if only I could. My life is amazing so why am I spoiling it!

06-06-17, 16:49
I know how you feel, I'm the same way.

I don't have any advice with how to deal with it as I'm also struggling with the same problem right now. I just wanted to say you're not alone.

07-06-17, 03:48
The feeling for myself has lightened up, but it was pretty consistent for a few weeks. I dont know what to say either other than keep trying! I think we snap out of it eventually but it seems like it takes so long.

07-06-17, 14:44
Bluebelle, please, go to see your GP. What you feel is anxiety, and there are ways to overcome it.

What you describe sounds familiar to me, and really large number of people all over the world. I felt this way for months until I had a major breakdown and finally went to see a doctor. I also thought that I was going mad and this fear made me want to kill myself.

After talking to my GP I got medication and a couple of weeks later I started a theraphy.
At first the meds made me feel worse, but as weeks passed by I started to slowly feel better. I'm not yet completely managing my anxiety, and I still have bad days every now and then (the theraphy is not easy...) but it's nothing compared to what I felt before.

You can feel better and you can get help! Reach out for it!

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