View Full Version : Lump on top of head.

06-06-17, 01:27
So I've got this lump on the top of my head on the left side maybe half the size of a penny. Its above my ear right where my head starts to curve..so a few inches above the ear. I believe I've had it for some time now, dosn't really hurt when pushed on (besides slight pain if I push really hard), hard lump, sort of gives me a little pressure on that side occasionally and a little headachey sometimes. What could this possibly be?

After thinking about it today I think this is something I've had on and off for a few years now. I was really prodding it last night snd woke up at one point and it kind of hurt and had some head pressure. My mom told me that when I was younger she pulled my hair in that general area and heard a popping sound that scared her. Could that be what is causing this ocassional lump?

07-06-17, 03:05
Still hurts a little and feels weird tonight. Not constant or intense pain but enough to be a nuesnese and cringe a little every once in a while. Also found it seems to be more rectangular of a lump rather then circular. Any idea's? :scared15:

07-06-17, 03:56
I have a lump on my head that is rather large and it has been there for many years. I've been told by 2 dermatologists that it is a pillar cyst, probably caused by head trauma at one time, and that removing it is much worse than leaving it alone. It used to cause me a lot of anxiety but it has been more than 15 years now. I've seen that things of this nature are fairly common, but reassurance from a doctor visit doesn't hurt.

07-06-17, 15:27
The annoying thing is I was at the doctors the day before this started to bother me again. Would a cyst come and go like this? I mean it ocassionally gets bigger then starts to go down again after a few days. It also has the weird feeling not like a pain...but just pressure, tingling, etc. (Now that I feel it more its more of a ridge then a round bump)