View Full Version : Overseas flight

06-06-17, 02:16
Hey everyone I'm Tiffany, I have had GAD since 2010 and I had under control with no medication just meditation but recently it has gotten worst I'm very scared and nervous about an upcoming trip.. I was looking forward to it and I'm still excited but soo anxious

06-06-17, 02:33
Hiya Tiffany0610 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-06-17, 14:26
Good morning Tiffany0610. After my many years of suffering with GAD and panic, I still get the way when I travel long distances. Currently I do take two meds for my situation (Fluoxetine 40mg & Buspirone 30mg a day). But for a while I used nothing but meditation.

I suggest (not a medical professional) to walk into it head on and ride it out. Listen nearly each time I get in my truck and drive out of my comfort zone it's a stressful chore. But "nine times out of ten", once I get going those feelings subside. I hope this helps?

Just remember NMP is a great support and know you can do it, just face the fear. It's much easier said than done, but give it a shot. Best to you Tiffany0610 and have a great trip!

10-06-17, 21:22
Hi Tiffany!

It's definitely uphill battle initially but, as fduop said, tackle these head on. I view anxiety as a bully who will pick on you if you let it. Tell it that you're not letting it push your around and move forward a step at a time. For your trip, try to think about the fun and positive things you'll be doing to improve your spirit.

You can do it! :)

18-06-17, 00:42
Hey there,
Airports and aeroplanes can always be scary. Make sure you get to the airport extra early, check in online before and make sure you know exactly how to get to your hotel. For take off, I always do this mental game... pick a four letter word and then list as many words you can think of beginning with each letter. It helps to distract you. If those things are in order, I find it helps a lot!
Good luck...