View Full Version : Do U Spend Excessively?

08-05-07, 17:29
I read today in The Sun that this is a sign of depression, is there any truth in this? I've always done this ever since I started working, I got paid on a Friday and my pay was gone by Monday, I've never been able to save a penny.

I buy stupid things just for the sake of it, it causes more arguments in this house than enough, I'll buy a mobile say this week, I loss interest in it and its sold on ebay the next and I buy something else.

Spending money makes me feel good I suppose, but once I get the item I'm bored again.

This has lead me to being in a hell of alot of debt and being put on an IVA

08-05-07, 17:44
Mmmmm I suspect I have a teensy weensy problem in this area too!! I don't think it's depression with me I think it's boredom.

To keep it under control I tend to buy off e-bay so I get a bargin and use the proceeds from stuff I don't wear anymore to pay for it.:shades:

I think I love the thrill of parcels coming to the door as it feels like Xmas! :yesyes:

It's something I am keeping an eye on about myself though before it gets really silly - or failing that I going to find a really rich man so I can totally surrender to a mad passion of spend spend spend!! Yahoooooooo!!!!

Until then Primark here I come!

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-05-07, 18:01
Not now but I did have a few months years ago when I did overspend and during that time I realise that something was missing in my life and I was trying to fill it up with things. Of course the things didn't work so I kept buying more things. In the end I finally went to counseling and worked it out and I'm okay now. The anxiety, by the way, did not help any. This is just my story though, not saying it has anything related to you.


08-05-07, 18:15
Hi Samtheman

I think it is fairly common to do this. We do it once and find it temporarily helps us feel better but soon the good feelings recede and there can been feeling of guit and anxiety afterwards.

It can be useful to keep a diary and when you experience the urge to go shopping. Then instead of immediately heading for the shops take 5-10 minutes writing down when you are actually feeling.

Consider whether you need whatever you are going out to buy and what you are feeling at that moment. Then consider whether the shopping trip is necessary or whether the feelings stem from some other unmet emotional feelings and consider what you could do instead.

It does take some practice.

This Stop Compulsive Shopping (http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/downloads/hypnotherapy/shopping-addiction.html?1388) could be of benefit to you.

Let us know how you get on.


08-05-07, 18:22
Mmmmm I suspect I have a teensy weensy problem in this area too!! I don't think it's depression with me I think it's boredom.

To keep it under control I tend to buy off e-bay so I get a bargin and use the proceeds from stuff I don't wear anymore to pay for it.:shades:

I think I love the thrill of parcels coming to the door as it feels like Xmas! :yesyes:

It's something I am keeping an eye on about myself though before it gets really silly - or failing that I going to find a really rich man so I can totally surrender to a mad passion of spend spend spend!! Yahoooooooo!!!!

Until then Primark here I come!

Love Piglet :flowers:

Yes, thats it exactly, its the thrill of the parcels coming, and once they do thats it over:blush: And then the guilt etc sets in.

08-05-07, 18:33
A big YES!
The high of pay day and shopping, then the guilt and realisation of the crap i have in my bags.:weep:

08-05-07, 19:15
Yep, done that, mainly on eBay, could be a problem if it stops you saving and having holidays


08-05-07, 19:18
Holidays/Savings whats that??

08-05-07, 21:03
yes thats me always buying things i dont really need .

love sandy xxx

08-05-07, 21:08
yep and hide it from hubby. Hard now that our bank details are online!:shrug:

08-05-07, 21:09
welll.... i've just come straight from ebay onto here.... hmmmm.... problem??? what problem??? i dont have a problem.... how dare you.... ok so maybe just this once i have brought some new underwear and a gorgeous top off ebay instead of paying my water bill but..... but.... but.... the top was just soo lovely, and what a bargain... hmmmm... cant wait til i get more money so i can buy some more.... hee hee.... oh sh*t, my fella just read what i've just wrote... :blush: ops.... ha ha ha