View Full Version : Acid in my throat!!

06-06-17, 12:16
I just woke up out of nowhere when I realize that the back of my throats burned. As I snap out of sleepy haze, I start seeing that it feels like when you choke on water at the back of The throat but the burn keeps getting worse because of the acid. I got really hot I started to sweat. I still am sweating bad. We did have a really late dinner, heavy dinner.

Right now when I clear my throat it feels like my heart is palpitating. The sweating is now making me feel cold and shaky.
I'm just freaking out that the burn could of been going on much longer and that my airway have sustained damage that can kill me!
I don't have a doctor.
Hospital visit would just not be right unless it's truly an emergency what if I am fine and it's just typical acid reflux symptoms!!????

I don't want to be a financial burden anymore.

Right now I feel like my lungs are doomed that I just could stop breathing anytime. It's just this sickly sensation.

There were two times before where acid reflux did come back up and me to have a wheezing attack one for 5 min and the other for less time then that. Where the acid came back up and I tried to suppress it so I pushed it back down and then it's as if my air way got completely filled and I couldn't get air in at all just this weird wheezing yell. First one I was in public. In a parking lot outside a grocery store, you know the sad thing about that day??? No one helped. They saw me grabbing at my throat. And me turning red. I can still see the people's faces as they looked and kept on walking.... someone even said I think she's having a heart attack and not even bothering even my bf at the time he asked me while I choked what I needed by kept just sitting there.
Second time while sleeping woke up sat up and starting wheezing.

Feeling ton of pressure on my center of collar bone area. (I was propped up on my el ow just typing this out on my phone.) dunno if it's from that or the acid reflux.

06-06-17, 13:13
Why not drink some Mylanta and avoid late heavy rich meals moving forward? :shrug: You can also try an OTC PPI like Zantac.

Positive thoughts

06-06-17, 13:19
Try to relax you will only make matters worse by stressing yourself now I am no doctor in any way but I will give my 2 cents worth so you ate a really late heavy dinner last night.......... That's it.
A little of that acid sloshing around the stomach breaking down the food has crept up the esophagus because you was lying flat try to relax drink plenty of water and get some antacids if need be or better still have some bicarb mixed with water that usually does the trick.

07-06-17, 04:05
Why not drink some Mylanta and avoid late heavy rich meals moving forward? :shrug: You can also try an OTC PPI like Zantac.

Positive thoughts

I will

---------- Post added at 03:05 ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 ----------

Try to relax you will only make matters worse by stressing yourself now I am no doctor in any way but I will give my 2 cents worth so you ate a really late heavy dinner last night.......... That's it.
A little of that acid sloshing around the stomach breaking down the food has crept up the esophagus because you was lying flat try to relax drink plenty of water and get some antacids if need be or better still have some bicarb mixed with water that usually does the trick.

The late night dinners are killing me :(
Never been one for late night eating but the hubs and his fam are all about it.