View Full Version : Help after general anesthetic

06-06-17, 13:08
Hello! Yesterday I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy under a general and to say I was anxious is an understatement! Anyway after waking yesterday from procedure my throat was really sore and mouth dry as expected after the tube etc but today I have what feels like a chest infection I'm constantly coughing my chest feels tight and I brought up phlegm this morning.Now I stupidly Googled and worried about pneumonia..my anxiety is telling me to go to see the gp....am I being silly ? I've had 2 operations before and not had this...really worried and feel sick to my stomach please help advise my stupid brain ..thank you! Xx

06-06-17, 19:02

08-06-17, 08:06
Did it get better in the meantime?

08-06-17, 12:20
Hi! It's still tight though horse voice and sore throat are better...I do have asthma so I'm wondering if it's aggravated.im also concentrating on my breathing and taking deep breaths all the time which isn't helping..sounds shallow though I don't know whether it's always been like this due to my asthma,my worried brain is just fixated on my breathing! X